I watched her closely and knew she was telling the truth.

Thank fuck.

Before I could say anything else, she took hold of my face with both her hands. “Griff, I accept you for who you are and always will. You never need to change yourself for me. I’m still getting to know stuff about you, but I know who you are at your core – you’ve already shown me that. I’ve spent my entire life trying to fit in, and make people like me, and the thing I’ve learnt is that it never works. The trick is to find your tribe where you don’t have to work to fit in, but where you effortlessly slide right in. And to find your person – that one person who just gets you and doesn’t try to change you; that one person who only needs to take a glance at you to know if there’s something wrong; that one person who would drop everything to be there for you when you need them…you’re my person, Griff, and I’d do anything for you.”

Fuck me.

She’d just given me the fucking world.

I claimed her lips in a kiss that went on for so long I lost track of time. And although she sat naked on my lap, my hands didn’t roam over her body. I just needed her lips for now. When I’d had my fill, I ended the kiss, and said, “You’re mine, Sophia. Forever.”



Two days later, when Wilder was in the clear from being shot, I walked into Church with a sense of apprehension. It had been quiet around the club over the last two days, and I couldn’t read some of the boys. They avoided eye contact with me, as well as conversation with me, and I figured they were the ones who would vote me out. The fact there seemed to be a lot of them avoiding me was of concern.

I took my seat next to Scott who opened with club business. Looking around the room, I took in my family. These men had been there for me through good times and bad over the last three years. We’d packed a lot into a few short years, and I’d learnt what loyalty and acceptance meant. I guessed after today, I’d learn who believed in unconditional love.

Scott finished going through the business he had to discuss regarding the fire at Trilogy and a few other matters, and he asked if anyone else had anything to go over. Wilder spoke up, his voice full of nerves as he stumbled over his words. “You remember you asked me to find out a little while ago who those guys were outside The Eclipse Bar who none of us knew?” He waited for Scott to acknowledge that, and when he nodded, Wilder continued. “I was given the wrong information. We were also given the wrong information about who was behind the fire at Trilogy.”


I sat forward in my chair, every muscle in my body tense. This was not going to be good news.

“Keep going, and don’t stop until you get everything out,” Scott ordered, his shoulders tense.

Wilder took a deep breath. It was clear he didn’t want to tell us whatever it was he had to say. “One of the guys is Julio Rivera and he arrived in Brisbane about four months ago. He’s been building his network, with an end goal of running this town. His fingers are already in a lot of pies, Scott, and he’s achieved one of his goals thanks to us – getting rid of Ricky. Seems he was setting Ricky up to take the fall for the Trilogy fire because he hoped we would buy it and do exactly what we did. From what I’ve been told, he’s slowly working his way to bringing down the big guys so he can take over from them. The Bond Family were another one on his list, and we helped him out there, too. That guy who was missing yesterday in your count of dead bodies, Griff? He had just shifted allegiance to Julio; that’s why he was missing.”

Scott’s breathing had slowed, and anger clouded his face. “How the fuck do you know all this?”

Wilder hesitated, as if he knew this wasn’t going to go down well. “It was something Carly said one night when she was high – it didn’t add up so I’ve been doing some digging.”

Scott slammed his hand down on the table as his eyes flashed a level of anger at Wilder that I’d never seen from him. Standing, he bellowed, “Next fuckin’ time you have a gut feeling about something, Wilder, you need to bring it to the table. We’re a club and sticking together is what makes us work. Running off and doing shit on your own doesn’t fuckin’ work.”

“Okay,” Wilder said.

“Have I made myself clear?” Scott’s voice was still raised as he demanded an answer.

“Yes, loud and clear, Prez,” Wilder said, almost tripping over the words to get them out.

Scott raked his fingers through his hair. Looking around the room, he said, “Right, we need to deal with that, but first we need a vote on Griff. I think I made myself pretty clear the other day as to where I stand, but so there is no misunderstanding – I accept Griff’s reasons and support his membership in Storm. He always has our backs, and it would do you well to remember that when you cast your vote. I vote yea in support of his membership.”

I nodded at him, and watched as the vote went around the room. After quite a few nay’s, I swallowed back my concern this wasn’t going to go my way. And then came some more yea’s, but I wasn’t convinced there would be enough. At some point, I actually lost count, so when Scott had the final vote in, and looked at me, I wasn’t sure where I stood.

Scott’s hard stare told me nothing, and my stomach knotted with stress.


Was I about to be kicked out of Storm?

Scott watched me for a few moments before turning back to the room. “Good, I believe we’ve made the correct decision. Griff stays.”

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