I proceeded to share my plan with the rest of the men, and an hour and a half later, we put it into effect. Scott hadn’t asked for a vote on my club membership, and no one had brought it up again. Not even J. But fuck knew where I would stand after the shit had settled and everyone was safe again.



Bond ran his organisation from prison. He had one guy in charge on the outside who controlled their drug shipments, and who ran the operation from Bond’s mansion. Ten other men backed up this guy. I’d kept the operation under constant surveillance since killing Bond’s brother, in preparation for this day, should it come. Due to this fact, I knew they had a drug shipment arriving today that most of their team would be taking care of at one o’clock. That would be our best opportunity to strike – while the men were split between two locations.

Scott called Blade, who lined up some of his men to help us. I was confident that with ten guys in each team, we’d accomplish our goal without problems. Scott led the team that would ambush Bond’s drug shipment, while I led the team at the mansion.

We took two vans to the mansion and parked them in two different streets close to our destination. I’d hacked into their surveillance again, and set it so we wouldn’t show on their cameras, the same as I’d done the last time I came here. The same guy was stationed at the back gate when I approached. He turned just as we arrived where he stood, and he reached for his gun, but I already had mine out.

Aiming at him, I said, “Now, now, Justin, remember how much I know about your family. All we want are the keys and the code for the gate, and then we’ll leave you like I did last time.”

“There’s no one inside, asshole,” he sneered.

I raised my brows. “Now you’re just lying.” I moved closer to him, and held my gun to his head. “Give me what I want, and I’ll let you live to kiss your wife and daughter again.”

He didn’t hand them over straight away. It seemed he was hedging his bets in his mind, until finally, he muttered, “Fuck,” and he handed the keys over, rattling off the code.

I gave the keys to Nash, who also keyed in the code and once we had the gate open, I turned to Justin. “Unfortunately, this time, I can’t keep my promise. Your boys threatened our women today, and no one does that and gets away with it.”

His eyes widened with fear, and I pulled the trigger. He dropped to the ground, and we dragged his body inside the gate and closed it behind us. Then we moved quickly to the back entrance of the mansion and slipped inside without being seen. I motioned to the boys as to who should go where, and we split up in teams of two to tackle the house.

Nash and I made our way through two rooms and down a hallway before coming across anyone. A guy walked out of the kitchen with a sandwich as we approached. He eyed us, and dropped his plate in an effort to grab for his gun. The plate smashed to the floor, shattering into pieces, while Nash and I aimed our guns at him. He was dead on the floor before he even had a chance to aim his at us.

“Fuck,” Nash swore, grinning at me. “That was too easy. I want a little fight from someone.” He bounced a little, as if he was heading into a boxing match, and I grinned back.

“Let’s see if we can find someone for you,” I said.

As we continued on, Nash said, “For the record, I have no issues with you being a member of Storm. I don’t fuckin’ care how you came to us, Griff, you’ve always had my back, and that counts for everything.”

“Thanks, brother.” His words meant everything to me, but I still had no idea how other members would vote.

Nash momentarily distracted my concentration, so I didn’t see the guy coming. The first I knew he was there was when he punched me in the face, knocking me back into Nash. We fell, and before either of us could get our bearings, the guy kicked me hard in the gut before attempting to also kick Nash in the gut. However, Nash had recovered enough to block him, and a moment later was on his feet, fighting the guy.

I pushed myself up off the ground, and attempted to get a punch in, but an arm hooked around my neck, and yanked me back.


You lose your concentration for one moment, and everything turns to shit.

“I see you used your common sense and came to us,” the guy behind me said.

I shoved my elbow back into his stomach, but he laughed it off.

“If only it were that easy to escape,” he said with a chuckle as he spun me around in his arms. Shoving a gun at me, he jerked his head toward the chair in the room, and barked, “Sit.”

I had no idea why he hadn’t just shot me, but wasn’t arguing. I did as he said and sat. My gaze shifted to Nash who the other guy now had in his hold. Jesus, we were potentially fucked here. My mind quickly scrambled to come up with a plan to escape.

Nash stumbled towards me after being shoved, and the two guys followed after him. I eyed the two men, and realised the one who had ordered me into the seat was the guy who ran Bond’s operation.

He approached me now and said, “Before I kill you, Michael, I’m gonna need some information out of you.”

“Like what?” I doubted I had anything of use to him, but keeping him talking kept me alive longer.

“Who ordered the hit on Bond in prison?”

“Do you really think we’re gonna tell you that?” Nash snarled.

The guy who stood over him threw a punch that landed hard on Nash’s cheek. “Shut the fuck up, motherfucker. We didn’t ask you.”

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