Me: Jesus.

Sophia: Oh, is this getting you all hot and bothered?

Me: You’re not even sorry, are you?

Sophia: Not in the slightest. Gotta run…like, literally, cause that shit is amazing.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and adjusted myself. My dick was hard now, just thinking about how wet she’d be for me tonight.

* * *

I was on my way to pick Sophia up from work when she rang to say she’d finished early and a work colleague had dropped her at home. However, she asked me to drop into the supermarket to collect a few items, and while there, I ran into Magan in the car park as I was leaving. She stood a few cars away from my bike with her head in her hands, sobbing. She didn’t hear me approach until the very last minute when she abruptly lifted her head out of hands and stared at me, her mascara-stained face a mask of bewilderment.


Dealing with teenagers was not something I was equipped for, but she looked like she was in desperate need of help. “Do you want me to call Sophia for you or take you home?”

Her eyes flared for a moment in what seemed to be surprise. “No,” she said, her voice catching on a sob. Her hand flew to cover her mouth as if that would stop her from falling apart again.

I watched as she gulped and tried like fuck to get herself under control but she failed and a moment later the sobs began again. Not being able to help myself, I took the few steps between us and pulled her into my arms. I was surprised as hell when her arms wrapped around me and she sobbed even harder against my chest. We stayed like that for a long time until finally her crying subsided and she pulled out of my embrace.

Looking up at me, she said, “Sophia’s lucky to have you.”


“Because even though you guys have just gotten together, you seem to be the kind of man who would always be there if she needs you.”

“Yeah,” I agreed because it was true. And then I pushed for more. “Are you gonna tell me why you were crying?” Fuck knew if this was the right course of action, but I was concerned for her.

She started crying again. Looking up at me through tears, she said, “My boyfriend…” A sob caught in her throat and she stopped talking.

I frowned. “What did he do?”

Her body was wracked with sobs as she tried to answer me. “He thinks I’m interested in other guys…and he just told me off…”

Fear was written all over her face, and I figured I knew the type of guy she was dating – the type who had no issues with pushing a female around. “Did he hurt you, Magan?” I demanded to know, my fist clenching.

Her eyes widened. “No…well, he did push me up against the wall, but he didn’t mean to hurt me!” She rushed to defend a guy who had no right being defended.

“Jesus.” I raked my fingers through my hair. “Has he done this kind of thing before?”

She shook her head. “No, Griff, he’s always been amazing. Like, he’s thoughtful, and caring, and he goes out of his way to always know where I am, and who I’m with so he knows I’m safe. He’s always made me feel special, like I’m the only girl in the world.”

“Have you got your phone?”

Frowning, she nodded. “Yes. Why?”

“Pass it here. I am gonna give you my number, and I want you to call me if he ever does this again.”

She stood staring at me, not moving, so I held my hand out, indicating she should give me the phone. Eventually, she did, and I keyed my number in.

Passing it back to her, I said firmly, “Magan, tell me you’re going to call me if shit goes bad. Guys like this don’t usually just do this type of thing once. And you never deserve to be treated that way. Ever.”

Nodding slowly, she said, “I will.”

I was only half convinced, but I let it go for now. “You sure you don’t want a lift home?”

“Yeah, I’m sure, but thank you,” she said before giving me one last glance, and walking away.

I watched her for a moment, and then headed to my bike. I had no doubt that asshole boyfriend of hers would threaten her again, but I’d be watching to make sure he never got away with doing that shit again.

Just before I headed out of the car park, my phone buzzed with a text.

Blade: The Bond hit failed. He’s still alive. I’m aiming to set up another.


But at least we had some time now that the trial had been delayed.

Another text came through.

Sophia: I’m ready for you, handsome.

Me: I’m on my way.

Sophia: If you’re gonna be a little while, maybe I should get started without you.

Me: Don’t you dare.

Sophia: But I’m so damn wet.

Me: Don’t test me, woman. Do not touch yourself.

Sophia: I love it when you’re bossy.

I’d just placed my phone away when it buzzed again.

Sophia: That being said, I also think you kinda like it when I defy you…

Jesus fuck.

I was beginning to think she didn’t need any help from Josie to learn all about the fine art of male manipulation.



Griff stalked into my house with a determined look on his face. I sucked in a breath at the level of bossy that was radiating from him today.

I stood in my kitchen as he came down the hall, and my core clenched when he hooked his arm around my waist, pulled me to him, and growled, “Those text messages of yours today have earned you a lot of punishments, Sophia. Punishments that I may spread across days.” Copyright 2016 - 2024