I quickly scrambled onto the bed, and lay back as I watched him put a condom on. When he moved over me, my body fluttered with excitement. And then, when he planted his hands either side of my body, and bent to kiss me, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I wrapped my legs around him, and took hold of his face with both my hands.

He feels so good.

I want to explore every part of him.

A growl came from his chest, and he deepened our kiss, his tongue growing insistent, like he couldn’t get enough of me.

I love that I do that to him.

He pushed his cock against me, sliding through me, but not pushing inside. My pussy clenched in anticipation.

Oh, God, I want him.


I have to have him.

I can’t wait any longer.

“Griff - ”

He growled again and pushed himself inside me.


Hell, yes.

As he pulled back out, I moaned his name, and then he thrust inside again.


I cried out again.

I couldn’t stop myself.

He pulled out on a grunt, and slammed into me again.

Hot damn.

I clung to him, my fingers digging into his skin as he thrust in and out. His pace increased, and I held on tighter. My leg muscles would burn for days after this.

“Fuck, baby…” he ground out as he pushed for what we both wanted.

What we both needed.

“Don’t stop,” I yelled out, and he thrust harder.

And then I disconnected completely. I lost myself to the sex in a way I never had before. It was like every thought that sat in the back of my mind disappeared, and all I could focus on was the pleasure, and Griff, and reaching for that magical place he was taking us to.

When my orgasm hit, I felt it from head to toe. Every single nerve ending lit with pleasure as it rocked through me. I gripped him hard, and a moment later, he stilled as his release shattered through him.

We came together, and it was beautiful.

Unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

If this was heaven, I’d be a good girl for the rest of my life.

When he pulled me close to him afterwards, and held me tight, I knew I would do everything in my power to make Griff a permanent part of my life.

It was official.

I’d fallen, and I’d fallen hard.



Sophia’s eyes widened. “You want me to wear this all day?”


“Goodness, where do people come up with these ideas?”

She stood in front of me in the bathroom, naked after our shower, and her naivety turned me on so damn much.

“Trust me when I say that you will love this,” I said as I squeezed my hand around hers that held the ball. Smacking her lightly on the ass, I continued. “Now, go in the bedroom and let me watch as you put it in.”

She shook her head as if she thought that was the worst idea. “I’ll just do it - ”

“No,” I said, my voice firm. “I want you on the bed, on your back, legs wide. I want to see your face as you slide it in.”

She stared at me for a moment, and I was sure as fuck she was going to argue with me over this. And it surprised me that I was turned on by that. Usually, I hated the women I slept with arguing with me. But if Sophia had proved one thing only to me, it was that I couldn’t get enough of her, any way she came.

Finally, she snatched her hand from mine, and huffed. “Fine, but you’re going to regret this, Griff.”

I raised my brows. “How am I ever gonna regret knowing that your pussy is being turned on all damn day? And knowing I’m coming home to that? No fucking way am I gonna regret that, sweetheart.”

She raised her brows back. “Trust me when I say that you are going to spend today wishing you’d never made me do this, handsome.” And then she stalked past me and into her bedroom.

I followed her, my eyes glued to her ass, and the sexy sway of it as she walked. When she’d shared her heartache over her weight with me last night, I’d hated listening to every word come out of her mouth. I’d do everything in my power to make her believe in her own beauty. If she could read my mind, and realise how often thoughts of her passed through it each day, she’d never again doubt how fucking sexy she was.

She lay on the bed, spread her legs and inserted the ball just like I’d asked her to do. I watched from the end of the bed, taking in the absolute fucking beauty of her face as she did it. Her innocence was painted across her face like a magnificent piece of art. Sophia wasn’t a virgin, or a prude, or inexperienced when it came to sex, but she had an innocence about aspects of it that was rare to come across these days. The kinds of women I’d previously fucked had tried everything before, so to have Sophia in my bed made me the luckiest bastard around. And the trust she put in me blew my mind.

I moved to the bed and sat next to her. Placing a kiss to her lips, I said, “I’ll take you to work and pick you up today.”

She narrowed her eyes on me. “You just want the movement and vibrations of the bike to move this damn ball, don’t you?”

I chuckled. “I hadn’t thought of that, but it’ll be a bonus.”

Pushing me off the bed, she stood, and said, “You’re lucky I like you. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else.”

I smacked her on the ass again. “Get dressed, woman. I don’t need you arguing with me while you’re naked. We’re already running late this morning; we don’t need to run even later.”

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