“Thank Christ. Now, I’m going to mow Josie’s yard and then yours, and then after I take a shower, I’m going to taste that sweet pussy of yours again.”

His eyes were fixed firmly on mine, and when I nodded in response – because I could hardly form a thought, let alone a word after that declaration - he dropped another kiss on my lips before leaving me to do the mowing. And I grasped the kitchen counter to steady myself. Griff’s bossy ways caused a weakness in my legs that no other man ever had.

* * *


Griff’s voice held a dangerous edge to it; an edge that caused desire to pool in my belly. I waited in my bedroom for him to come and find me, and a few moments later, he stood in the doorway, his intense gaze on me. We watched each other, neither saying a word, neither moving to the other. And then he took control. And I escaped into a role where I felt more free than I’d ever felt in my life.

“Come here,” he demanded, his powerful body strong and tall, and ready for me.

I left my dressing table where I’d been sitting brushing my hair and massaging body cream into my skin. Standing in front of him, I traced his body with my eyes. Griff’s skin was free of ink and the artist in me imagined intricate designs of light and shade stretched across his hard muscles. He stood naked now, hard for me, and I shivered as I imagined what he would do.

“Take your clothes off.”

I did what he said, removing my shorts, t-shirt and underwear, and a minute later, my body was revealed to him. My gaze shifted to his and I found him watching me – my face, not my body – and I watched him back. Our eyes communicated our desire, our need, and our stories.

He reached his hand out to run his finger lightly down my cheek. Bending his face, he kissed a trail of kisses along my collarbone and down to my breasts. At the same time, his hands massaged my breasts. Then one of his hands slid around my body and down over my ass. Gripping me there, he pulled my body to his.

Lifting his face to look at me, he said, “Have you got a scarf?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

Heat flared in his eyes. “Go get it for me.”

I stepped out of his hold and moved quickly to my wardrobe. Once I had the scarf, I went back to where he waited and handed it to him.

“Good girl,” he murmured, his voice low and full of gravel. “Now, lie on the bed with your arms extended above your head.”

My eyes held his for a moment longer, and then I moved to the bed, positioning myself how he had instructed. My skin pebbled with anticipation. I had no idea where this was going, but I didn’t want to know. The unknown of sex with Griff was one of my biggest turn-ons.

He straddled me, resting on his knees, and tied my hands together above my head. Then he sat back and spent a few moments gazing at my hands before bringing his eyes to mine, and what I saw there made my core clench.

Raw need.

Griff’s eyes had glazed over and his shoulders sat with a rigid stance as if he was only just holding himself back.

He wants me as much as I want him.

If my hands weren’t tied, I’d reach out and touch him.

Oh, God, how I wanted to touch him.

I wiggled a little and his attention shifted to my body. He placed one hand on my stomach and one on my breast. His thumb circled my nipple while his hand on my stomach ran over my skin there slowly. It was almost as if he had no plan, but I figured differently. I believed Griff probably had a plan for everything he did.

With his eyes still on my body, he said, “Tonight you’re going to show me how well you can obey me.” He brought his eyes to mine. “I’m going to take you to the edge over and over, and you’re not going to let go until I say you can.”

I nodded my understanding.

He watched me nod as he continued to massage my body, and said, “Good girl.”

The way he said those two words brought me to the edge almost. He had no idea how much his voice affected me.

He placed his hands around my waist and slowly lifted me off the bed in an arch so that my bottom and upper back were still touching the bed. Then he slid one hand under me and glided it up my back so he could hold me near the back of my neck. He rose back up onto his knees and slid his legs out either side which effectively brought him lower, closer to me. Griff’s body might have been built, but he moved with an agility that was sexy as hell.

He moved the hand he still had at my waist so that it slid around and cupped my bottom. Then he lifted my ass and dragged me down the bed to bring my lower body to him.

He hooked my legs over his shoulders and brought my pussy to his mouth.

Oh, my.

When his tongue glided through me, I had to bite my lips hard to silence the moan wanting to escape. And in that instant, I knew this man was going to torture me with pleasure tonight.

With his hands holding me firmly in place, his mouth delivered a level of bliss I never knew existed. The sight of his head buried in my most intimate place, and the growls coming from him as he lost himself in what he was doing combined with the sensations taking over my entire body, and I had to concentrate hard on not falling over the edge.

After a few minutes, he lifted his head, and rasped, “Fuck, you taste good, baby. I could spend hours tasting you.”

I wanted to tell him to keep going, and never stop – oh, God, please don’t ever stop.

Dipping his face to me again, he circled my clit with his tongue over and over, building the pleasure again. It washed over me in waves – never-ending waves that crashed through me, wanting to take me with them over the edge, but I fought that all the way. And that only heightened every sensation and every feeling rushing at me. My mind was in overload as I focused on letting the pleasure come while trying desperately not to let it completely consume me to the point of orgasm.

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