You want to get pissed at someone, get pissed at the flight deck controller who let those pitdiggers out of the goddamn hangar bays and into general population.



We are attempting to determine timings now. Anecdotal evidence from the Kerenza attack indicates an incubation period of almost 24 hours, but we have data that conflicts with this.

The virus is airborne. Its debilitating effects vary widely—some people are catatonic for 3-4 days, others recover within 24 hours. Full recovery is almost universal, save in cases of the young or frail. However, there is no guarantee against re-infection. That people can be re-infected at all is something of a concern—logically, once the immune system fights off the incursion, antibodies should prevent re-infection by the same pathogen.

This would suggest the virus is mutagenic in nature.

I would hypothesize the bioweapon was in a prototypical state when the Kerenza population was exposed—perhaps this attack was a “live fire” exercise on the part of BeiTech forces.

Latest figures follow. Please note the virus is being referred to as “Phobos” (from the ancient Greek) by many of the technicians in their written reports—Dr. Salinger has a love of antiquity, and I’m afraid the nickname has stuck.

PS: I missed you last night. Do you think we can make time soon?

Teresa Shteyngart, MD


INCEPT: 06/17/75


ARREST#: 78374jd



Kerenza refugee ident KR-985cop


IF ARMED, TYPE OF WEAPON: pipe wrench, screwdriver

CHARGE: Murder, 1st degree (four counts)

NARRATIVE: At 23:45 (shipboard) myself and Corporal Adler were called to a disturbance in temporary domicile GREEN-12b. The habitat was sealed—residents of neighboring domiciles reported brief screaming from within some 15 minutes prior.

Utilizing all-access clearance, Cp Adler and myself entered the domicile, suppressors out and up. The body of the first victim (Maryanne Morton—Age 29, KR-986cop) was found near the front door. Zero lifesign on bioscan. Brief inspection revealed the victim’s head had been crushed by blunt force trauma. Spray patterns on walls suggested repeated blows.

Second victim (Stephanie Morton—Age 12, KR-987cop) and third victim (Oliver Morton—Age 8, KR-988cop) were also discovered in this room. Zero lifesign on bioscan. Brief inspection revealed similar repeated blunt-force trauma wounds to skull and chest. Second and third victim’s eyes had been removed.

Infrared bioscan revealed one lifesign in the domicile’s bedroom. Cp Adler announced our presence, asked the resident, later identified as Mark Morton, to exit the bedroom with hands raised. Resident replied that we were “with them” and demanded we “not look at him.” Resident became increasingly agitated (in my experience, displaying psychosis similar to desoxyephedrine addicts), finally exiting the bedroom, covered head to foot in blood, with weapon raised.

Cp Adler and I both discharged our suppressors, scoring four direct hits to resident’s torso region, all of which failed to subdue the resident. The resident closed to striking range, and I was forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat. With the aid of Cp Adler, I managed to subdue the resident—Cp Adler is still in critical condition due to injuries sustained during this altercation.

With the resident restrained, I called for backup and proceeded into the bedroom, where I discovered the remains of the fourth victim (Julian Morton—Age 4, KR-989cop).

Victim’s eyes had also been removed.

In answer to your first question, yes, it’s mutating. You’re talking about a closed loop with recycled air supplies, a thousand more people than are supposed to be on board, all breathing each other’s air and contaminating each other’s space—the Copernicus has essentially become a giant petri dish.

Second question—no, we can’t. I can only presume BeiTech intended it to be an urban pacification device—the virus originally attacked the fear centers of the brain, inducing catatonia. So, you hit an urban population with it, everyone falls over paralyzed for 24-48 hours, and the troops roll in with zero resistance. But now the virus appears to be attacking the synaptic gap, along with serotonin re-uptake mechanisms, doing damage similar to what you’re going to see in long-term dust addicts. It’s essentially psychosis in a bottle. The damage is permanent—anyone who goes down is not coming back.

Third—I don’t think I can. I really want to, but I just can’t get away. Maybe tomorrow.

I miss you too.



Science Officer: Tobias Salinger, MD Assisting:

Teresa Shteyngart, MD

INCEPT: 07/12/75

Hour 14

Subject 72 displaying behavior patterns typical with early Phobos Alpha victims:

Increased adrenaline levels

Heart palpitations/hyperventilation


General unease/nameless dread

Symptoms typically manifest 12–24 hours after initial infection with Alpha strain. Symptoms of mutated strain (which we have named Phobos Beta) appear to be more rapid in onset—the latest batch of lab rats Dr. Shteyngart infected displayed psychotic tendencies within 8 hours.

I theorize Phobos Alpha was designed to be spread by initially encouraging minor fear responses, and only debilitates its carrier with time. Initially (and insidiously), victims will seek out other human contact—particularly that of loved ones—in attempts to deal with the dread (like a frightened infant might seek its mother). The victim often seeks physical comfort (hand holding, embraces), ultimately increasing the chances of spreading infection. Copyright 2016 - 2025