ByteMe: Wish that had been true, Ez. How things on your end? Tense here.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Things here? Confusing, tbh

ByteMe: They’re still saying no comms b/c we’re hiding from the Lincoln.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Oh, u mean how are things on the *ship*

ByteMe: Did AIDAN crash or did we take it offline?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Um. Bit of both. Why?

ByteMe: b/c the Copernicus is gone and I’m scared, why else?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Hey, at least we’re scared together. Ish.

ByteMe: This is not how I imagined us reunited. There isn’t any more gen than that on your end?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: (Shrug) I just fly the cyclones ma’am

ByteMe: I can’t believe you do. Not the future I imagined either.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: At least I got off world, right? If only BeiTech had shown up a day earlier. Might have saved you some shouting. And me some hangovers :p

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Sorry that wasn’t funny …

ByteMe: No, but to be fair, don’t think anyone’s found a joke that works yet.

ByteMe: Next time we’ll have to time our drama better.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Well, practice makes perfect, as they say

Mason, E, LT 2nd: I miss you

ByteMe: You too.

ByteMe: 4 min left.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: You’re a poet, Grant

ByteMe: Hey, I’m talking to you. One step at a time.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Talking is better than not talking. And infinitely better than shouting :p

ByteMe: Sorry there was so much of that. Should have got the msg sooner.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Did u ever consider the possibility I just think ur cute when you’re angry?

ByteMe: Did you ever consider that I might not laugh at a joke about you breaking my heart?

ByteMe: Gotta cut. If u leave this window open and type in messages I’ll get them when I connect. Like a mailbox.


Subject: wondering

Date: 07/25/75


I wonder how my mom knew my dad was the guy for her.

Why didn’t I ever think to ask that?

ByteMe: U there, you tragic, tragic creature?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Always :p

ByteMe: All ok your end?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: They got me on scrub duty and VR flight sim. Bored brainless and slightly sweaty

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Am i turning u on?

ByteMe: Ez, u do not want to start another fight.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: I’m just trying to make you smile. You should do it more often. Did u get the flower?

ByteMe: Yes. Just … come on, Ez. U made ur position clear. not going to embarrass myself now.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Did u smile?

ByteMe: yes

Mason, E, LT 2nd: pls excuse me a moment while i do a small victory dance around the room

Mason, E, LT 2nd: k back

ByteMe: this was a terrible idea. I think I miss u more now than when i wasn’t talking to u.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: So this must mean you’re not still mad at me. Amazing what six months and a few thousand kms of vacuum will do to make the heart grow fonder

ByteMe: and terrifying danger, don’t forget that

ByteMe: but Ez u are the one who didn’t want to be with me, not vice versa. I’m just the one who said the words.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: You wanted to go offworld. I didn’t want to hold you back. That means I CARED, not that I didn’t.

ByteMe: u could have come

ByteMe: and now here u are, but it’s not b/c you want to be. it’s b/c I’m more interesting than a ship full of sweaty soldiers

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Im not sure u appreciate the dire peril i placed myself in to have this conversation Kades

ByteMe: i think i quite like the idea of you in dire peril. do go on. details?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: I stayed up half the night making your ASCII flower just so you’d talk to me again. That knowledge in the hands of certain Alexander crew members would have … unpleasant consequences

ByteMe: ur courting behavior was always ridiculous

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Hey, don’t knock it if it works :)

ByteMe: not that we r courting. aughdeletedelete

ByteMe: u should probably rest in case we come under attack from that ship that is nowhere near us, u know.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: Lincoln might be closer than u think. We had to reaccelerate without main drives once command shut down the AI at Kerenza VII.

ByteMe: then WHY aren’t we getting it back online? not knowing anything is terrifying.

Mason, E, LT 2nd: see previous *shrug* about me just flying the cyclones

Mason, E, LT 2nd: I guess they’ll bring it back online once we’re safer with it than without it

ByteMe: guess so. Coming up on 7 mins. talk again soon?

Mason, E, LT 2nd: not too soon. You don’t want me to start thinking you’ve forgiven me or anything

ByteMe: wouldn’t want that, you’ll get ideas ;)

Mason, E, LT 2nd: cya

Mason, E, LT 2nd: oh say hey to your mom for me


ByteMe: what kind of voltage do you think it takes to kill the average human?

CitB: dare i ask?

ByteMe: trying to splice my deck into Hypatia’s virtual grid. jack their processor speed

CitB: take it from ur elder. Can’t brute force this. u need work done on the Alexander end

ByteMe: brace urself for this but i am not on the Alexander end so i will have to try and wire from here

CitB: do i really have to point out the obvious?

ByteMe: i am not dragging him into this they’ll shoot him. info is one thing this is another Copyright 2016 - 2025