A waiter appeared with a problem, and she was all business again, handling everything with total aplomb. Ross watched her and marveled and wondered what he was going to do when it was time to walk out of her life.

The dinner went wonderfully. Aunt Doris was im pressed and said so often. The praise was nice, but the re spect behind it was what mattered. Respect was what Charity had wanted, needed, all her life, and now she was getting it in abundance. She was still glowing when they got home.

"I have ice cream in the freezer," she announced. She felt as though some kind of celebration was in order. "How would you all like some dessert?"

"That would be lovely, dear," Aunt Doris said, and then settled down with the evening paper.

"What kind?" W.A. asked suspiciously.

"Butter brickle."

He frowned and fluffed his hair. "Well, maybe just a little." There was a sickening sound as he cracked all his knuckles. "Meanwhile I'll begin limbering up to do some composing tonight." He raised his nose as though sniff ing the air. "It's a night for it, don't you think? Romance is riding on the breeze."

Faith turned on Charity and waved a finger knowingly under her nose. "Wasn't that lovely, what he just said? I told you he was creative."

Charity glanced at W.A., who was looking inordinately pleased with himself. "I never denied he was creative," she said archly, grinning at Faith's frown. "I'd say he's creat ing himself as we speak. But the question is, do you want ice cream?"

Faith looked petulantly out toward the balcony, where Mason and Mandi were huddled in close conversation. "Not until they come in," she said. "I'll eat with them."

Charity shrugged. "Suit yourself." She turned and headed into the kitchen with Ross close behind.

He'd been waiting for an opportunity to talk to her alone all day. This was the first real moment of privacy they'd had.

"I've got something I want to talk to you about," he said seriously, leaning against the counter as he watched her remove the carton of ice cream from the freezer.

"What is it?" She smiled up at him as she removed the lid.

He grimaced. "I've got a confession to make,"

"No kidding?" She put a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth and sighed with ecstasy. "Don't tell me, let me guess," she teased, putting that spoon aside and reaching for a larger one to do the serving with. "You just remem bered you have a wife you forgot to tell me about?"

He shook his head, frowning. "No. That's not it."

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