“Was this your plan all along? Knock me out, tie me up, and rape me?”

She winced. “It’s not rape.”

“What else would you call it when you forcibly plan to take my seed?”

“I figured you would be willing.”

“To be raped?”

She grimaced. “It’s not rape as long as you agree.”

“What if I don’t agree?”

She looked dumbfounded for a moment. “I thought men were always agreeable.”

His hands fisted tightly around the rope as an unexpected surge of anger skittered through him. How many agreeable men had she found over the years? Probably plenty. What red-blooded male wouldn’t agree to letting a beautiful woman ravish him in the woods? Dammit.

He took a deep breath. Stay in control. “Before I can consider your offer, I have to know exactly what you expect of me.”

Her gaze drifted to his groin. “I thought it was obvious.”

“On the contrary, there are numerous issues that must be addressed.” Thankfully, her gaze returned to his face. He didn’t want her to notice the growing bulge in his pants.

She frowned. “Issues?”

“Yes. For instance, how long will I be required to perform? Will I receive compensation for any injuries incurred during the act?”

Her eyes widened. “Injuries?”

“It happens. I’ve been known to get terribly wild. Fortunately, you appear to be in excellent health, so you should survive the ordeal. Do you mind signing a waiver?” He enjoyed the growing expression of horror on her face. “Which position do you want to use? Or do you prefer multiple positions? How many times do you wish to climax?”

Her mouth dropped open. Then she shook herself and glared at him. “Ten.”

He blinked. Was she calling his bluff? “Ten what? Positions or climaxes?”

She hesitated a second, then lifted her chin. “Both.”

He stifled a laugh. She wasn’t letting him get the better of her.

Jerk, the leopard grumbled. Stop playing cat and mouse with her.

Zoltan glanced up and spotted the cat lounging on the branch of a nearby oak tree. You were supposed to leave.

It thumped its tail on the branch. I’ll leave when I feel like it.

Does she jump men like this every night? Zoltan asked.

What do you think? The leopard narrowed its eyes. Look who’s jealous now.

I’m not— Was he? Zoltan pushed that thought aside and turned back to the woman. “Are you sure you can handle ten climaxes?”

She shrugged. “Are you sure you can deliver?”

He smiled, enjoying the way she stood up to him. “I’ll do my best. But it might take an hour or so, depending on—”

“Oh, no! We must be quicker than that. No more than five minutes at the most. In fact, we had better start right away before Freddie and the others find us.”

Another jab of anger shot through him. “Freddy? Who the hell is he?”

“Freddie’s not—”

“Not tied to a tree, is he? Was he last night’s five-minute conquest?”

Her mouth dropped open.

How jealous can you get? The leopard eyed him with disdain.

I’m not! Shit. He was. Jealous of the unknown lovers of a woman he’d barely met. He must be going insane.

The woman’s blue eyes flashed with anger. “You think I do this every night?”

“How would I know how many men you’ve tied up and ravished?”

“I haven’t ravished you!” With a huff, she rose to her feet. “I don’t think I want to anymore.”

She was going to leave? “I apologize.”

She gave him a dubious look.

Beg for mercy, the cat snarled.

Sod off, he replied, then looked at the woman. “I insulted you. I’m sorry.” When she still looked unconvinced, he sighed. If he wanted her to stay, he’d have to be honest. “I don’t like the thought of being another nameless guy in a long line of—” He stopped himself from saying “lovers.”

Her eyes softened. “I wouldn’t like that, either. If it makes you feel any better, I have only tried this once before, and it did not result in the desired outcome.” She frowned. “I am not sure this would work, either. Offhand, I can think of several legitimate reasons why we shouldn’t mate.”

“Like insanity?”

She looked alarmed. “Are you?”

He winced, then said, “No.”

Liar, the cat snickered.

Go chase your tail, he replied.

The woman gave him a wary glance. “I would not wish to cause anyone to break a sacred vow. An exceptional man like you is probably married.”

Exceptional? That made his heart leap. “I’m single.” When she looked relieved, his heart did another leap.

“You might prefer men.”


“You might have a disease you do not wish to—”


“Or you might be unable to do the—”

“Hell, no!”

Her mouth twitched. “Then all that false bravado about multiple positions and—”

“Not false.”

She gave him a pointed look. “I know you were trying to frighten me into changing my mind. So there’s only one reason left that I can think of.” Her shoulders slumped as her gaze fell to the ground. “You find me undesirable—”

“I’ll do it.” What the hell was he saying?

Her gaze jerked up to meet his. “You agree?”

“Yes, but with . . . three conditions.”

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What are they?”

How the hell would he know? He was making this shit up as he went. “Number one. I need to know your name.”

“Oh. That’s easy enough.” She sat beside him, crossing her legs. “I am Neona.”

Neona. He repeated her name in his head. He liked the sound of it. “Greek for ‘new moon’?”

She ignored his question. “What is your second condition?”

“You have to untie me.”

She winced. “I don’t believe that is wise.”

“How do you expect me to give you ten climaxes if I can’t use my hands?”

She scoffed. “You were in jest.”

“You think so? Untie me and find out.”

She bit her lip, considering, then pulled out the knife sheathed to her calf. “I will not hesitate to use this if you hurt me.”

“I would never harm you.”

She gave him a doubtful look, then sawed through the ropes that bound his wrists.

Once released, Zoltan sat up and, rubbing his sore wrists, watched her slip her wickedly sharp knife into the sheath strapped to her leg. Her linen trousers looked worn and ragged along the hem. Homemade, he thought, just like the leather moccasinlike slippers on her feet.

Where did this woman live? Why had she attacked him? “The third condition is that we get to know each other.”

A wary look crossed her face. “I don’t see why that is necessary.”

“It is. I find you very . . . interesting.” Not to mention beautiful, brave, and fascinating.

She shook her head. “I don’t think you need to know me in order to—”

“On the contrary. I need to be in the mood to have sex. And my mood will improve the better I get to know you.”

“There is not much I can tell you.”

“Do you have secrets?” He leaned toward her. “Now you’re even more intriguing.”

She winced. “Can we please get on with it? I’m running short on time.”

“Because Freddy will show up? Who is he?”

“A friend. Winifred.” After a pause, she added, “So she’s female.”

“I gathered that,” he muttered. “And how did you learn English?”

She hesitated, her gaze shifting to the woods as she considered her response. “From an Englishman.”

Zoltan’s mouth twitched. She was as clever as she was beautiful. “And where is this Englishman? Is he tied to a tree somewhere?”

She scoffed. “Of course not. He went home.” She glanced at Zoltan and added, “To England.”

He gritted his teeth. Apparently, she still doubted his intelligence.

“Do you know enough now?” She unfastened the ties on her breastplate. “Shall we begin?”

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