Alex leaned in. “If you want to cut this short tonight, we can leave. You’re way more important than a party.”

If either of them got any more solicitous of her feelings, she might just cry.

“And miss all this fun? Not a chance. What I would like, though, is a Bloody Mary.”

“I’ll take care of that,” Ben said. “Be right back.”

He wandered off. So had Whitney and Cade, leaving her alone with Alex, who took her hand.

“Seriously, babe. We’d be happy to take you back to the suite if you’re tired or just not up for a party.”

She nudged him with her shoulder. “And I’m seriously fine. So stop asking.”

He gave her a grin. “In that case, let’s dance. This song is slow and sexy.”

He pulled her into the middle of the dancers, planted his hands on her hips and the two of them swayed together to one seriously hot song. Alex drew her in and wrapped his arms around her, then buried his face in her neck.

“You smell good, Tori.”

It felt so perfect when he held her like this, his body aligned with hers. He was tall and lean and his muscles—all hard, pressed to her. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent—something crisp and clean. She wound her hand around the nape of his neck and lost herself in him.

And when the dance ended and they walked back to the sidelines, there was Ben, holding her Bloody Mary for her, smiling at her as if she hadn’t just had her hands all over another man.

“Thanks,” she said, and rose up to press a kiss to Ben’s lips.

“You’re welcome. You looked hot as hell dancing out there with Alex.”

Ben put his arm around her, his fingertips resting against her hip.

How was it that these two men weren’t jealous? Were Ben and Alex unique, or were there relationships like this and she’d spent her entire life living in a bubble?

When Alex came up to her other side and they led her away from the crowd, walking her down toward the beach, she decided to ask.

“Is this familiar to the two of you?”

“Is what familiar?” Alex asked.

“Sharing a woman. Without jealousy.”

“We’ve shared women before,” Ben said. “But if you’re asking if we’d had the kind of relationships with women like the one we’re currently having with you, then the answer is no.”

“You both seem to handle it so well. When I’m off alone with one of you, neither of you seems to be jealous or asks me probing questions about what we did when the other was away.”

Alex took her hand, squeezed it. “Probably because it’s you, Tori. I don’t know, it seems to be a pretty unique situation for all of us.”

“Alex is right. We both want you to be happy. I’m not jealous of Alex giving you pleasure. I doubt he’s upset when I’m with you.”

Alex shrugged. “Why would I be? Ben’s making you happy.”

Her heart filled with so many emotions she didn’t know what to think. “You both make me happy. I’m having such a wonderful time with you—with both of you.”

They’d reached a cove where the waves crashed against the shore. It was private—no other people around.

Ben led them toward a hill of tall rocks, their view obscured, so they climbed, Alex leading the way and Ben next to her, holding her hand.

“Check this out,” Alex said, his voice dropping to a whisper.

High along the shore was a couple. She didn’t recognize them, but it must have been one of the surfers and a beautiful young woman with shoulder-length brown hair. She was on her knees and he was naked, his cock thick and hard, and the woman was sucking him.

Her pussy quivered as they watched.

She tugged Alex’s hand. “We should go.”

Alex laughed. “Why?”

“So they can have privacy.”

Alex looked down at her. “Babe. I know Rob and Belinda. Trust me, if they wanted privacy they’d be doing this in the hotel.”

“Okay. You might have a point.”

Ben came up behind her, smoothing his hands down her arms. “They probably don’t care who sees them. So . . . let’s watch.”

She had to admit the sight of the man’s cock sliding between the woman’s full lips was an absolute turn on. And when the woman pulled the straps of her dress down to fondle her own breasts, Victoria’s breath caught. It made her want to do the same thing.

She was on fire.

“Is it turning you on watching them?” Ben asked. Copyright 2016 - 2024