“That’s it, babe. Suck it hard. You know how I like it.”

Sucking his cock made her pussy quiver, made her nipples tingle and her breasts feel heavy. She grabbed the shaft and stroked it while she fed his cock into her mouth.

“Oh, yeah,” Alex said. “That’s what I need.”

She loved that he was so vocal with her, that he told her what he liked.

And when he pulled away, he grasped her face and kissed her, a gentle, sweet kiss that made her tremble.

Ben positioned himself on the bed and she straddled him.

“I’ve been waiting to slide inside of you,” he said as he grasped her hips and helped her get into position. “I’ve been thinking of this since that first night I saw you and Alex together.”

“Have you?”

“Yeah. You were beautiful with the moonlight streaming in. Like a goddess demanding to be pleasured. That’s what we’re going to do for you tonight, Victoria. We’re going to give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

She slid down on top of Ben’s cock, moaning at the thickness of him, her pussy quivering as she fit herself around him.

“Mmm,” she said, closing her eyes and letting herself feel the utter wicked pleasure of filling herself with Ben’s cock.

“You feel so good, Victoria,” Ben said, arching upward as she began to rock against him.

Tingles of pleasure arced throughout her body, making her gasp.

Alex came behind her, planting a kiss on that tender spot between her neck and shoulder. “You have a beautiful ass, Tori. And I’m going to fuck it good.”

She reached up to curve her fingers behind his neck. “I know you will.”

“Lean forward on Ben.”

She did, bracing herself on Ben’s shoulders.

“I’m going to spread your ass cheeks so I can lube you up nice and good,” Alex said.

She felt him spread the cheeks of her butt, then the lube was there, followed by Alex’s fingers.

“It feels good.”

“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?” Alex said. He teased the entrance with his fingers, and her pussy clenched.

“Oh, yeah,” Ben said, driving into her and making her spasm with sensation.

“Now you’re going to feel the head of my cock. Nice and easy and we’re all lubed up back here. You call all the shots, okay?”

She was so ready, her pussy clenching as Ben stilled. “Yes. Let’s do this. I want to feel both of you.”

“Look at me, Victoria,” Ben said.

She met Ben’s gaze. He swept her hair behind her ears.

“We’re all going to do this together. Then we’re all going to come hard together.”

She smiled down at him.

“Now get that pretty mouth down here and kiss me.”

She leaned down and met his lips. Ben held on to her head and his kiss was fierce passion, their tongues meeting as his cock lifted into her.

Alex’s first penetration into her ass was like fire. It hurt, and yet it felt so good she felt tremors of pleasure arc out toward her sex. She gasped, but Ben rimmed her lips with his tongue, holding onto her and making her focus on his mouth as Alex pushed farther into her. She moaned, cried out, and then Alex forced himself fully into her. She reared up and reached behind her.

Alex’s hand was right there to grasp onto her.

“Yeah babe, I’m in your ass.”

Her pussy clenched around Ben’s cock.

“And I’m in your pussy,” Ben said.

“Both of you, hold for a second,” she said.

Neither of them moved. She felt like she was burning from the inside out, and yet it was the most glorious sensation. Ben in front of her, Alex behind her, both of them embedded within her. Her body throbbed.

“Now move.”

Alex pulled back, then drove in, and Ben did the same, grinding up and into her.

“Oh, God, yes,” she said, resting her hands on Ben as Alex pumped into her ass.

She felt so full, so gloriously, deliciously full.

“We’re going to make you come,” Ben said. “And when you do, Alex and I are going to come hard in you.”

“Yes,” was all she could manage because she was bombarded by strikes of pleasure from both sides. It was more than she could process, so she let her body take over and just . . . felt.

And what she felt was magnificent. Throbbing, arcing sensation after sensation pummeled her. Bursts of pleasure all centered in her pussy.

“I can’t . . .”

They both stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Ben asked.

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