He shrugged and took a long swallow of beer. “Well, we aren’t now.”

“And you’re obviously not happy about that.”

“I’m just f**king fine.”

Luke laughed. “Yeah, you’re fine all right. What happened, Logan?”

“She’s all Hollywood glamour and traveling all over the world. And I’m . . . here. Anyone with two eyes can see that we’re not meant to be together.”

“Or was it just you who saw that? You dumped her, didn’t you?”

He stared down at the bottle of beer. “Maybe.”

“You are such a dumbass. She was the best thing that ever happened to you. I’ve never seen you so full of life as you were when you were with her. She really did bring out the best in you—if there is such a thing.”

“She’d have ended up hating me. And hating the ranch.”

“She’s not Mom, Logan. And she loved the ranch. Tell me what happened.”

“She invited me to her movie premiere. I broke things off.”

“Because you’re afraid to try and make it work with her. God forbid you actually take a chance on loving someone, right? Because it might actually work and you’ll have to admit that someone could actually love you—and love the ranch. You have to stop letting that fear rule your life. It’s taking away every chance you have at happiness.”

Despite the six beers Logan had had, Luke’s words sank in. Not that he hadn’t heard them before, but he’d never been so crazy in love like he was now. And he’d never lost a woman he loved. He’d lain awake every night since she’d left his house, unable to sleep. He’d walked out onto the deck, thinking about how he’d shared the deck with her, wishing she was there with him and missing her so much even his bones ached.

“What do you think, Bash?” Logan asked as Bash cleaned away the empty beer bottles.

Bash laughed. “I’m the last one to give love advice, man. It didn’t work so well for me. But if you love her, don’t let dumb shit like geography and career get in the way. Go get your woman back.”

He did want her back. But had he done too much damage to make that happen? Because Luke and Bash were right. Des loved him. And she loved the ranch, too. And if he couldn’t give a little, then he didn’t deserve her.

“I’ve had too many beers to drive back to the ranch,” he said to Luke. “Give me a lift?”


“Thanks. I’ve got a few phone calls to make.”

And he hoped like hell it wasn’t too late.

Chapter 24

IT WAS PREMIERE night for Lost Objectives. Des was both excited at the prospect of having critics and fans see the movie she and Colt had filmed last year, while simultaneously dreading going to the premiere.

“I’ve got a date lined up for you,” her agent, Jennifer Simonds, had told her earlier in the day.

“Oh, God, Jennifer. I don’t need a date. Going solo works just fine for me.” The last thing she needed to deal with was being matched up with some up-and-coming actor who needed the exposure.

“You do need a date. It looks better for the press. And I think you’ll like this guy.”

“Who is it?”

“I’ve got another call, honey. He’ll meet you at the premiere. Talk to you soon.”

Jennifer hung up.

Des stared at her phone. Great. Just great. Now she had no idea who her date even was. If Logan hadn’t been such a disappointment, he could have been her date. But that would have required him to meet her halfway, and God forbid he do that.

Her stomach tightened, the pain since she’d walked away from him ever present. She’d misjudged him, and how she’d thought he’d felt about her.

But she couldn’t worry about him anymore. He was out of her life, and she was going to have to get used to it. He hadn’t called her, hadn’t texted, and he had obviously moved on.

So would she. And eventually she’d stop thinking about him.

Like today, when there were so many other things to attend do. She’d left her condo and booked a room at a hotel near the movie theater. There, her makeup and hair team would attend to her, and her dress was being brought in.

Colt had stopped by, pacing back and forth in her room, obviously anxious because he was taking Tony to the premiere tonight as his date. They’d moved in together and had been out and about together in town. Photos had been taken and it seemed the cat was out of the bag because all the gossip sites had photos of the two of them together. But so far, Colt had remained mum about his sexual orientation. Tonight, it would become official.

“Are you nervous?”


She hugged him. “It’s going to be fine. You and Tony are going to be fine. And you’re both going to look incredible, so the public is going to go crazy over both of you.”

He grinned. “We do make a dynamic couple, don’t we?”

“Yes. Now go get beautiful while I do the same.”

“I’ve heard your agent set you up with a mystery date tonight.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes. Exactly what I don’t need. Some needy wannabe star trying to shove me out of the way so he can get his photo taken at all the right angles.”

He kissed her cheek. “Don’t even worry about your dipshit date for the night. Concentrate on the movie and smiling for the press. I’ll be there for you, honey.”

“Thank you. And I’ll be there for you and Tony, too.”

Des showered, then her makeup and hair people showed up, and it was a flurry of activity as she was primped and readied, her hair styled in a messy updo to go with the beautiful white strapless gown she’d chosen for the night. The jeweler came by to present the lovely necklace and earrings she’d wear to go with the gown. They were stunning diamonds and teardrop earrings, and worth a million dollars. Expensive jewelry always freaked her out. It just wasn’t her style, but it went with the whole movie-premiere thing, so she’d do whatever was necessary.

By the time she was dressed, it was nearly five, so she slipped on her silvery heels and looked into the mirror. The dress fit her perfectly, the bodice a corset fit to her hips, then flared out in a beautiful, flowing shape. And the diamonds were a perfect touch—not too much, but just enough bling.

She thanked her team profusely for getting her ready. They left, and she put the finishing touches on her lip gloss, then headed downstairs to her waiting limo.

The lineup for the premiere was long, but as she got to the front, she pasted on her best smile, excitement running through her. She couldn’t wait to get out on the red carpet.

She couldn’t wait to get this over with.

She got out, and a hand was there to help her out. She turned to smile at the person assisting her, and her heart thudded against her rib cage.


Dressed in a tux, he folded her hand in the crook of his arm.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m your date.”


“Not now. Your public’s waiting for you, Desiree.”

He led her to the red carpet, where fans screamed, the click of cameras was deafening, and all she could think about was the man she loved was here, at her side.

Except as soon as they hit the press line, he took a step back and let her have the limelight.

She turned to look back at him. He looked amazing. Tall, lean, tanned, and the tux fit him perfectly. He had to be so damned uncomfortable in that tux, and yet he smiled at her, shoved one hand in his pocket, and nodded while she turned to answer questions in the press line.

“Des, who’s your date tonight?”

She took a deep breath. “That’s Logan McCormack, the owner of the L&M ranch where we just finished filming. It’s my treat to him for allowing us to film there.”

“Is there any relationship going on with Logan McCormack?”

“Logan is the owner of the L&M ranch, where we just finished filming. Next question.”

She fielded many of the same questions and moved on, grateful to reach the end of the press line, where Logan was there to once again take her hand.

Then she was off to take photos with Colt. “How are you holding up?” she asked him.

“Not too bad. They’ve noticed Tony and are asking a lot of questions. I’m telling them my personal life is not the subject to be discussed today, but I’m happy to answer questions about the film.”

“Good for you. Let them think what they want while you go about living your life. And in the meantime, you and Tony are free to do what you want. People will figure it out. When the time is right, you can do whatever article you want discussing the two of you.”

“Out magazine has already asked if I’ll do an article.”

“Are you going to do one?”

He turned to her. “I think so.”

She squeezed his hand.

“And I see you have an interesting date tonight.”

“I don’t know how that happened.”

Colt gave her a half smile. “Yeah, me either.”

“It was you?”

He kissed her cheek. “See you inside.”

She met up with Logan again. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“You invited me. And you didn’t answer questions about us.”

“It’s not the media’s business. Besides, I don’t really have answers, do I?”

“I guess you don’t. But you will.”

Curious, she let him lead her inside, where they took their seats.

The movie was wonderful, and Des was proud of the work she and Colt had done on this film. It was a drama about a drug-addicted wife and how she drags her husband and family through her agonies. The movie received tons of applause at the end, and Des thought Colt, as the tortured husband, had delivered an amazing performance.

They both received cheers when they left the theater. Des smiled, and Logan never left her side. They went to one of the after parties, where the media took photos of both of them. They even asked Logan questions.

“I’m just a rancher, happy to be invited here to see one of Colt and Desiree’s movies. This was a great one, wasn’t it?”

That was the standard answer he gave to every question the media asked.

When Des pulled him aside, she told him, “You’re very good at this PR thing, considering you have no training.”

“Like you said, it’s none of their business.”

“But you were polite. Which isn’t really in your nature.”

He arched a brow. “Are you saying I’m a rude sonofabitch?”

She quirked a smile. “Sometimes.”

“How much longer do you have to stay here?”

“I’ve put in the appropriate amount of time.”

He took her hand. “Good. There are some things we need to settle between us.”

They got into the limo and took it back to her hotel. Des opened the door.

He stepped into the spacious living room, complete with fireplace, two sofas, and multiple chairs. The living room doors opened onto a balcony that overlooked Hollywood. “Fancy. Very you.”

“Not really. You should see my condo. You’d be very disappointed. It’s not movie-star quality at all.”

“I’d like to see it.”

“Maybe I’ll invite you over, once you tell me why you flew all the way out here. Surely it wasn’t just to watch a movie.”

“No. It wasn’t. Not that kind of circus, with all the media that seems to follow you everywhere.”

She walked up to him. “Then I hope you have good security at the ranch, because it’s going to be like that if I come live with you.”

“I don’t recall asking you. Yet.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Really. Then what the hell are you doing here if you aren’t here to tell me what a colossal as**ole you’ve been, what a mistake you made by letting me go, and then to tell me you love me madly and ask me to come live with you?”

Logan sighed. “Goddammit, Des. You are the most frustrating woman I’ve ever known. Mind if I do things on my own timeline without you telling me how I’m supposed to feel?”

“Fine. You do it.”

He pulled her toward him and kissed her, that melt-her-panties kind of kiss that never failed to explode a few brain cells in the process. And when he pulled away, he said. “I love you, Des. I flew out here and put on this stupid tux because I love you. I stood in front of all those cameras and answered dumb questions because I love you. Because I sure as hell wouldn’t do it for any other reason than love.”

Her heart melted. “I love you, too, Logan.”

He pulled her down on the sofa, then sat next to her. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I acted like a complete moron and I let you go. I hurt you and I hurt myself in the process. But when I saw you the night of the wrap party, dressed up and looking fancy, it made me feel like we were too far apart to ever end up together. And instead of talking to you about it, I backed away.”

She sighed. “You know there’s nothing you can’t talk to me about.”

“I do know that. But you know where I come from. And I’m scared of making the same mistakes my parents made. Every goddamn day I’m afraid of the past repeating itself.”

She swept her fingers through his hair. “I know you are. But I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know you’re not. It’s taken me a long time to come to grips with that reality, but I’ve finally let go of the past and I’m ready for the future. And that future doesn’t mean anything to me unless you’re in it. Please come to the ranch and live with me. Even if that means you have to live there only part-time when you’re not making movies, that’ll be enough. We’ll figure out a way to make it work, but I need you in my life.”

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