Now, they had all the time in the world to get to know each other’s bodies again. She intended to savor every moment.

Instinctively, she lifted into his touch, craving the need he elicited from her. She was primed and ready like a rocket for launch, and the barest touch could send her right off. It had been so long, and this was Carter, who even after all these years knew her body better than any man ever had.

Surprisingly, he remembered how she liked to be touched, softly at first, and then a little harder as she got closer. How could he recall that after twelve years? As she shuddered and tightened he slid a finger inside her, and she exploded, crying out with an orgasm that left her shaken.

“Yeah, I remember how that feels,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “Feels so damn good to take you there again.”

And then he was there, his mouth covering hers, kissing her until all she could think about was feeling him inside her, connecting with him in a way she hadn’t realized she’d missed so much until now.

He pulled his lips from hers, stared down at her, and she wondered if he thought the same thing.

When he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip, and said, “I’ve missed you, Molly,” tears pricked her eyes.

She blinked back the waterworks. She didn’t want to get emotional about this. It would only lead to heartbreak, and she’d never let Carter break her heart again. So instead, she smiled up at him. “I hope you have condoms.”

He grinned. “I definitely have condoms.”

“I mean, I’m on the pill. I take precautions. I’m not leaving it all up to you or anything, but we should be careful, you know?”

He brushed his thumb over her jaw, his expression suddenly serious. “Yeah. I know.”

He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a box of condoms.

Now she felt like she’d done something to break this magical spell that had been cast between them. The room felt colder. She felt colder. Bringing up the past—that big elephant in the room that seemed to wedge between them—would always be a barrier.

She started to sit up, but Carter pushed her down. “Not so fast. I’m not letting you get away from me that easily.”

His body, so warm, was just what she needed.

“Unless you need to pee or something. In which case, go ahead.”

She laughed, and his lightheartedness pushed away the last of her doubts. “No, I’m good.”

He swept his hand over her breast, teasing her nipple until it was hard, until she felt the sensation shoot right to her core.

“Yeah, you definitely are.”

He took her nipple into his mouth, and she was once again lost in sensation, in his mouth and his hands until all she could focus on was the way he made her body feel. That’s why she was here, the only reason she was here.

Carter knew Molly had felt a moment of panic. He didn’t know what had brought it on, and if he hadn’t been able to take her out of that moment—if she’d wanted to leave right then, he would have no choice but to let her, because he didn’t want a woman in his bed who didn’t want to be there.

But whatever second of doubt she had seemed to have disappeared, because she responded to his touch, arching against him, without words begging for what they both needed from each other.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He removed her panties, shed his boxer briefs, and grabbed a condom, then parted her legs, staring down at the woman she’d become, even more beautiful than the girl she’d once been.

She looked up at him, her eyes glazed with passion, as he entered her.

It felt like home, like this was where he’d always belonged. Inside her, skin to skin, her heart beating a fast rhythm as he moved within her.

He didn’t want to make too much of this, because where Molly was concerned, he knew it was a temporary thing. He planned to enjoy this moment, since it was likely to be a one-time occurrence.

But damn, it was amazing to have her hands roaming down his arms, her nails raking over his skin as he lifted and thrust within her, to feel the way she tightened around him. Everything was familiar, but also like it was the first time he’d ever made love to this woman. He kissed her, and felt like he was being tossed around in a storm, the pleasure so great, the emotions almost more than he could handle. Carter wasn’t an emotional kind of guy, but this was Molly, and to him, she’d always been his. At one time he’d wanted to give her everything, and at least, in this, he intended to.

So when she lifted, he ground against her, enjoyed her quiver, and gave her all he had, caught up in every sound she made, every breath she took. Her expressions told him everything, her body even more. He grasped her hands and held tight to her, and when she released, he let go, the two of them shuddering together in one epic climax that left him shaking.

He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent, wondering if this was going to be the last time she’d allow him to get this close.

But she didn’t seem in any hurry to push him away, and he sure as hell didn’t want her to leave, so he rolled to the side and left only long enough to dispose of the condom. Then he was back, tugging her against him and pulling the covers over them both.

For a while he held her, listening to her breathe, content that she was beside him and didn’t feel the need to bolt. He wondered if she’d stay tonight.

Finally, she tilted her head back and looked at him.

“I hope you have some stamina, Carter, because it’s been kind of a dry spell for me.”

Now that he hadn’t expected. He arched a brow and lifted up on his elbow. “Is that right?”

She smiled slyly. “That’s right. And since you’re a known quantity and I don’t intend to have sex with any random strangers in Hope, I thought you might want to . . . offer your services.”

He laughed. “You want me to act as your stud while you’re in town?”

“Yes. That pretty much sums it up.”

“I’m kind of offended, Molly.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a man with a penis. You’re thrilled about having no-strings sex with a woman you don’t have to wine and dine and promise to marry at the end of it all.”

“You have a point. Though I never mind the wining and dining part.”

She shrugged. “That’s negotiable. So . . . we have a deal?”

“A deal for smokin’-hot sex? I’d be a total dumbass to say no.” Copyright 2016 - 2024