When George’s engine finally turned over, tears pricked Molly’s eyes.

Carter got out and held the door for her. “There you go.”


He shut the door, then leaned in again. “Molly . . .”

She looked up at him. “Please don’t.”

He nodded and backed up a step so she could pull out of the parking spot, which she did with a little too much fervor. As she drove away, she stared at him way too long in her rearview mirror.

Forcing her attention on the road ahead, she gripped the steering wheel and willed the pain in her heart to go away.

It was in the past. Carter was in the past, and that’s where he was going to stay.

CARTER WATCHED MOLLY drive away, that old junker she drove belching out smoke and exhaust like it was on its last legs.

He shook his head and leaned against the wall of the bake shop, needing a minute to clear his head before he went back to work.

He’d been thinking about Molly for a while now, knowing she was coming back to Hope. She had to, because she was in Luke and Emma’s wedding. He hadn’t expected to see her today, though, when he’d stepped outside to take a break from all the damn paperwork that was his least favorite part of being owner of several body repair shops.

He’d always liked watching the cars go by on his breaks.

When he’d seen an unfamiliar one—an old beat-up Taurus choking out a black trail of exhaust, then wheezing as it came to a stop in front of the bakery—he couldn’t help but wonder who’d drive a piece of shit like that. Surely the owner had to realize the poor junker should be shot and put out of its misery.

His heart slammed against his ribs as a gorgeous brunette stepped out of the car. She had on jeans, a white T-shirt, and sandals as she hurried into the bakery like she didn’t want to be recognized. She even kept her sunglasses on, but there was no mistaking who it was. Not to him, anyway.

He could never forget the curve of her face, the fullness of her lips, or her long legs. It might have been twelve years, and she might have changed from girl to woman, but Molly Burnett was someone Carter would never forget. His pulse had been racing, and he knew damn well he should turn around and go back to his office. But for some reason his body hadn’t been paying the slightest attention to what his mind told it, and he pushed off the wall and started down the street toward the bakery.

He debated going inside, then thought better of it and decided to figure out what the hell it was she was driving. So he’d walked over and studied the car.

A ’99 Taurus. Christ. He wondered where Molly was living, and how the hell that car had made the trip. It had dents all over, patchy rust spots, the muffler was nearly shot, and the tires badly needed replacement—like a year ago.

In retrospect, he should have let Molly be, should have kept his distance from her. But when he’d seen her, he’d closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, transported back to the last time he’d heard her voice. It had been in hurt and anger. The last words they’d said to each other hadn’t been kind ones.

And maybe he wanted to change all that.

But it hadn’t gone at all like he’d expected. She was still hurt, still angry with him, even after all these years.

Carter dragged his fingers through his hair and made his way down the street toward the garage, then back to his office. He shut the door and stared at his laptop, but all he could see was Molly’s long dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail, and her full lips painted some shimmering pink color. She was tan, and her body had changed over the years. She was curvier now, had more of a woman’s figure.

But she was still the drop-dead gorgeous woman he’d fallen in love with all those years ago.

He’d thought he was over her, that what he’d once felt for her in high school was long gone. But they’d had a deeper connection than just being first loves.

And seeing her again had hurt a lot more than he’d thought it would.

Chapter 2

IT HAD TAKEN several miles to stop shaking and get her nerves under control again, but Molly was fine now.

Just. Fine.

Carter wasn’t even in her thoughts anymore.


She finally came to a stop at her grandmother’s old house, the house Emma now owned and shared with her fiancé, Luke McCormack.

She pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine, staring at the one-story brick and frame house.

A lot of sweet memories were built into this home. She and Emma playing in the front yard while Grandpa mowed the grass. Her grandmother letting her help bake a pie. Molly had learned some of her not awesome but adequate baking skills from her. No one was as good a cook as her grandmother.

She missed her grandparents, but was glad Emma had decided to live here, instead of letting the house go to strangers.

At least one of the Burnett sisters was comfortable calling Hope home. Molly would never feel at home in Hope again. Too many bad memories.

She got out of the car and headed to the door, smiling at the sound of the old familiar doorbell.

She heard barking, and Emma’s voice.

The front door opened and two rather large dogs came running out, one an exuberant pit bull. She knew Annie was still young, but she was huge and nearly knocked her over. Daisy, the lab, was just as excited to see her, though she was a little more reserved.

“Hi, kids.” Molly bent down and was rewarded with wagging tails and licks to her face.

“Oh, you’re here.” Emma came out, looking gorgeous as always, her brown hair in a ponytail. She still wore her scrubs from work as owner of the veterinary clinic in town.

Molly stood as Emma pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s been too long, Molls.”

Molly closed her eyes, loving the feel of her big sister’s strong arms holding her. “It has. I’ve really missed you.”

Emma pulled back, the dogs winding around both their legs. “Come on, girls, give us some space.”

Molly laughed. “They’re both so adorable.”

“Aren’t they?” Emma picked at the top of her scrubs. “And I’m so sorry. I probably smell like medicine and animals. I had a late emergency at the clinic, so I just got home about ten minutes ago. I was afraid you were going to get here before me. Oh, and Luke’s at Taco Bueno, your favorite, picking up dinner.”

Molly grinned, her stomach rumbling at the thought. “You remembered.”

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