But they were two different people now, and their lives had moved in opposite directions. During her years away from Hope, she’d often wondered what would have happened between the two of them if she hadn’t left. Would they have drifted apart anyway, or would they have stayed together?

She’d never know the answer to that, but here she was tonight, in his arms once again. And she had no idea what that meant. She had no illusions about recapturing the magic of the past, only that she wanted a night where she didn’t have to think about what once was. She knew there could never be a future for them, but why not have one night? Just the present, with no yesterday, and no tomorrow to think about.

She turned in his arms to face him, and just like the past, she knew she didn’t have to say anything. All either of them had to do was touch the other, feel the heat that had always emanated between them.

She was in a hooded sweatshirt but was still cold. Carter only had his button-down shirt on. And God, his body was warm.

“You’re not cold,” she said.

His hands drifted down her back, pulling her closer. “I’m a hot guy, you know.”

She let out a short laugh. She’d forgotten how much he used to make her laugh. She’d spent so much time dwelling on the end of their relationship, focusing only on the negative aspects, that she’d let go of everything good about him.

They had so much fun together. They always spent a lot of time talking to each other. He listened, always managed to center her when her mind was jumbled and flying off in a million places.

His hands lingered, the warmth from his fingers burning into her skin, even through the layers of clothes she wore.

She lifted her gaze to his, and as he lowered his head, she closed her eyes, feeling his breath sail across her lips.

The first touch of his lips was something magic.

Chapter 17

CARTER WENT SLOW, so afraid every movement he made would send Molly running away.

He’d waited for this all night, gauging her mood, every gaze, every turn of her head, figuring that at any moment she’d take off.

But she stayed, and now she sagged against him, her hands reaching out to grasp his arms. He tugged her close and deepened the kiss, feeling the surrender of her body. He read those signs and flicked his tongue against hers, taking in the warmth of her breath, his body tightening with the need for her he’d held in check for so long.

From the first time he’d seen her on the street, everything he’d felt for her all those years ago had been front and center. But it wasn’t just the past, it was now. He’d tried to ignore it, but Molly wasn’t someone you ignored. She was beautiful and fiercely independent, an attractive package wrapped up in a hot body. And maybe because he knew her so well, he was drawn to her in a way even he couldn’t explain.

Maybe he didn’t want to. All he knew was he was tired of fighting it.

No more. Now it came rushing forward, and it was all he could do not to pick her up and carry her to his truck, throw her down in the bed, and take her right there.

Instead, he smoothed his hands over her back, and felt her shiver.

He pulled away. “You’re cold.”

She tilted her head back. “Cold is not what I’m feeling right now.”

“You’re shivering.”

“Maybe a little.”

He took her hand. “Come on.”

He led her back to the truck, started it up, and got the heater going. Not for him, of course, because he was plenty hot.

“Where to?” she asked.

“Not to your place. It’s a little crowded.”

She let out a soft laugh. “Yeah. Let’s not go there.”

He made the drive back to his house a little faster than intended. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but he didn’t want to destroy the mood between them, either. Things between him and Molly were precarious enough as it was. One wrong word, one look, and he was sure she’d run.

He pulled into the driveway and went around to her side to open the truck door for her, but she had already climbed out. She slid her hand into his hair and lifted up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips. He lingered there for a minute or so, content to feel her body against his.

It had been a long damn time since he’d just . . . felt her there. It was a good feeling, but he was also getting hard, and they were in his driveway.

“Uh, maybe we should take this inside.”

She looked down at what was quickly becoming his obvious desire for her. Then she lifted her gaze to his and offered up a wickedly sexy smile.

“Maybe we should.”

Okay, so she wasn’t going to change her mind this time.

He had to admit he was pretty damn happy about that. Neither a cold shower nor taking his erection problem into his own hand sounded like a good option to him. Not when this beautiful, hot woman nestled her body against his. He wanted her. Just her. And he wanted her to know just how much.

He led her inside the house and shut the door. Molly moved into the living room, shedding her hoodie before rubbing her hands together to ward off the chill from outside.

“Do you want some coffee?” he asked.

She turned to face him and shook her head. “No. I want you to warm me up.”

“I can do that.” Taking quick strides, he made his way over to her and drew her against him, wrapping his arms around her back. He pulled up her shirt to slide his hands over the warmth of her flesh.

She shivered. “Your hands are cold.”

“They’ll be warm in a minute.” He bent and teased her lips, coaxing her to open for him.

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