He gave her a goofy smile. “Of course. I’m drunk, not shitfaced.”

She shook her head. “Good night, Carter.”

“’Night, Molly.”

She pivoted and walked away, then got in his car and drove off.

Their interaction had been so civil.

And so much had been left unsaid.

She felt worse now than ever.

Chapter 5

MOLLY’S BREATH CAUGHT as she stood in the back of the church with her sister.

Emma had always been beautiful, but today she was the most gorgeous woman Molly had ever seen. In a cream-colored off-the-shoulder gown with a slight train and tons of intricate lace, Emma was a vision.

Luke was going to go crazy when he saw her.

Their mom had already shed copious tears, and they’d had to fix her makeup twice, until Emma told her if she cried one more time and made Emma tear up one more time, she was going to make her go sit in the car until after the wedding. Mom had straightened up after that and promised no more tears, at least until during the wedding. Emma had cast a pleading look at Molly, who held up her hands in surrender.

“I can’t make her not cry.”

Emma sighed. “It’s a good thing I’m wearing waterproof mascara. I don’t want to look like a raccoon in the photos.”

“You’re going to look breathtakingly beautiful in every picture,” their mother had said, which had made Emma tear up again. And then Mom had started blinking back tears.

“Mom,” Emma said. “You’re supposed to be the rock here.”

“I know. But one of my babies is getting married today. I don’t know where all this emotion is coming from.”

Fortunately, Reverend Barry had showed up and told them it was time to start. They all lined up and Molly smoothed down any imaginary wrinkles in her deep purple dress, then picked up her flowers and stood in front of Emma. She turned and blew her sister a kiss, so very glad she was here.

At least for today, she was happy to be home.

It was time to walk down the aisle.

As the music started up, she was suddenly transported back twelve years, when she and Carter had made plans for their own wedding. Of course, it had been kind of a rush. They hadn’t anticipated getting married that quickly. But things had happened, and when it had, they both decided they wanted to get married right away.

They were in love, after all, so why wait? They knew they wanted an eternity together.

Until disaster happened. And then her world had been crushed, and everything had fallen apart after that.

That’s when she realized that someone saying they loved you meant nothing, and she’d gone dead inside.

She shook it off. Now wasn’t the time to think of the past, but the future. Namely, her sister’s future. She followed Des down the aisle, trying to remember Reverend Barry’s instructions about keeping the appropriate pace.

The church was filled with people, but she kept her focus on the altar, making sure to not look in the direction where all the guys were lined up in their tuxes. There was no way she was going to make eye contact with Carter.

Instead, she looked straight ahead and made sure to smile, because pictures were being taken, and she wouldn’t ruin Emma’s day by scowling.

She made it to the altar and turned, watching cute little Tabitha all dressed up, smiling broadly and sprinkling flowers across the carpeted aisle. Then everyone stood as Emma and their dad started down the aisle. Everything else was forgotten as her beautiful sister and Luke stood together and made their vows to love and honor each other forever. And after Reverend Barry pronounced them husband and wife and they kissed, Molly’s heart squeezed.

Despite her views on love and marriage, she felt right about this ceremony. It was so obvious Luke and Emma belonged together, and watching them seal the deal with a passionate kiss only confirmed that. Molly sighed in contentment.

They exited the church, but stayed behind for photos. Fortunately, she was paired up with Logan, though she was conscious of Carter nearby, who looked utterly, devastatingly handsome in his black tux with white shirt and purple flower tucked in his lapel.

She tried her best not to notice him, but it was difficult as they all shuffled for photos, and then she had to sit in the pew while Logan, Luke, and Reid took a photo together and they all sat and watched as the bride and groom took one spectacular picture.

“They look perfect, don’t they?” Carter asked.

He was sitting behind her. She nodded, not looking at him.

“You look beautiful today, Molly.”

“Thanks.” She got up and made her way over to her parents, then stood for the family picture with them and with Emma, then with Emma and Luke. It seemed to take an eternity at the church, and it felt like Carter’s gaze stayed on her the entire time, but when she happened to glance his way again, he was huddled up with Bash and Will and not even looking at her.

Likely it was all in her head, tension and nervousness at his proximity getting the best of her today. She’d known she’d have to spend the entire day with him, and she’d built it up that she’d be shoulder to shoulder to him for the duration, when it was anything but.

She could survive today. She could put up with anything, because after tomorrow, she’d be on her way back to Austin, and she’d never have to come back to Hope again.

After they finished up the photos, they climbed into the limos. This time, the bridesmaids and groomsmen rode together, and the bride and groom rode alone. Which meant more time in a confined space with Carter. Des and Logan snuggled up together, as did Will and Jane, which made sense since they were couples. She chose a seat over in a corner of the limo, and didn’t it just figure that Carter ended up sitting next to her. Bash and Chelsea were preoccupied arguing about something, leaving her and Carter alone.

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