Nodding, he said, “Doesn’t hurt to be extra careful.” Especially with the ladies.

“I have to go find Cherry.”

“She’s in the restroom,” Vanity offered. “Repairing her makeup and hair, I think.”

Denver checked the clock and frowned. “Still?”

Vanity shrugged. “Not easy to do in a standard restroom without her usual...accessories.”

He nodded acceptance of that, saying, “Thanks,” as he strode away.

As soon as Denver was gone, Stack turned to her and asked, “Why are you here?”

“Sorry. I didn’t think you would be.”

How the hell was that an answer? With his hair nearly standing on end, he asked, “What’s that supposed to mean, Vanity?” Was she dodging him now?

Hooking her arm through his, Vanity started them both across the floor. Given her skimpy outfit and his short-sleeved T-shirt, he felt skin on skin.

Their arms, he reminded himself, not that his brain or his dick seemed to care how innocuous the touch might be.

“That came out wrong,” Vanity explained with a smile. “I just didn’t want you to think I was chasing after you because we have an agreement for the future. I was surprised when I got here and saw you.”

“Denver’s stepmother...” He started to explain again.

“I understand. Sounds like it’s been a hectic day.” She hugged his arm just enough to make his muscles clench, especially when he felt the side of her breast against his biceps. “It was nice of you to stick around and lend a hand.”

“Yeah,” he said, not really hearing himself since Vanity led them to a quiet corner alone. This time of night, the place was clearing out. They’d close up soon and only a few of those in the inner circle might still hang around and use the equipment.

She paused by a heavyweight bag. “I came by to sign up for the self-defense classes and then figured I’d stick around and exercise.”

Damn. He’d be taking a turn teaching the class to women.

Stepping around the heavyweight bag, she examined a rack of weights. “I used to go to the gym all the time back in California. Surfed a lot, too. But so far around here, I’ve been a complete slug. I don’t want to get out of shape.”

Propping a shoulder on the wall, Stack gave her body a lingering look. “Yeah, no worry on that.”

“Stack.” She trailed her fingertips over the equipment. “Have you thought about it much?”


“Us. Having sex.”

Jesus, the way she threw things out there kept him off-kilter. “Round the clock,” he admitted. He thought about it to the point that hooking up with other women just seemed like a bother. That, he didn’t admit. “You?”

“Yes.” Staring at his mouth, she took a step closer. “I don’t want us to jump the gun on that timeframe because it leaves the possibility that we might hit a conflict and then I’d be dateless for the wedding again.”

His heart pounded hard—with lust. But he kept his tone expressionless. “Given what you’re offering, you think I’d do that?”

Her gaze lifted to his. “If you did anything bad enough to irritate me, I might be the one backing out. Either way would still leave me trying to figure out my plus one.”

Incredible. So she didn’t want to fuck him yet because if she did, he might somehow piss her off to the point that she wouldn’t want to be stuck with him at a wedding?

Keeping his narrowed gaze on her face, he said, “I think I’m insulted.”

“Please don’t be.” The blue of her eyes turned smoky. “Especially not right now because...”

Charged chemistry drew him closer. “Because?”

“Well, while I don’t think we should spoil the suspense, I really need at least a small taste.”

His eyes widened. His dick said a hearty hello.

She inched closer, too. “Would that be okay, you think?”

“Define taste.” Because seriously, just the word turned him on.

“A kiss,” she breathed.

Okay, he could work with that. “Where?” he whispered.

She misunderstood and said, “Your mouth, for starters.”

Much more of that and he’d be hard. “I meant where, as in here, at the rec center?” In front of everyone.

Not that anyone should be paying them any attention, but...

“If you don’t mind.” She licked her lips while looking at his. “Now that I’ve decided on it, I don’t want to wait.” Copyright 2016 - 2024