“Cherry Pie,” Armie murmured, “why would you not call me?”

She did a double take. “Cherry Pie?”

“That’s what Denver used to call you when he openly lusted. Now that you two have a thing, he’d probably want to squash me for saying it. But I like it. It sounds both familiar and a little bit nasty.”

Wow. Armie had done his own verbal maneuvering there, leaving her mute. Denver used to call her that absurd name?

“So,” Armie said with a smile in his voice, “what weak-ass excuse do you have for not calling me?”

“You’re busy,” she squeaked, horrified at the use of the nickname and for being put on the spot.

“No, Denver’s busy. But I just finished fighting so I’m free and clear for a bit.”

Such a gigantic fib! “You work at the rec center all the time!”

“Yeah, well, I’m looking for an excuse not to be there this afternoon, so I’ll come by the school and get you, and then check on your car. What time do you get off?”

When she stalled, trying to think of an alternative, Vanity nudged her with her elbow.

Blast. With a long sigh, she said, “Today’s my short day, so I’ll be off at three.”

“Perfect timing. Thanks for giving me a reason to duck out of the gym. See you soon.”

Grinning, Vanity disconnected the call. “There, you see? He appreciates it.”

“My luck sucks lately.”

Ignoring that, Vanity said, “If my car broke down, I’d call Stack in a heartbeat. Or no, wait, maybe I’d call someone else so that it wouldn’t be too obvious.”

Eyes widening, her own concerns disappearing under intrigue, Cherry slowly turned her head to face Vanity. “Too obvious about what?”

“How hot he is, how sexy he is and how much I’d love to get horizontal with him. Well, the horizontal part he already knows.” She winked. “He’s agreed to take me to the wedding, and I agreed we’d have sex.”

Whoa. “So...” Assuming she had to have misunderstood something, Cherry tried to sort it out. “You agreed to an...exchange?”

Laughing, Vanity pulled up in front of the day care. “Sex for a date—isn’t that the usual exchange? No, I’m kidding. I know it’s not. At least not always.”

“I am so confused.”

“Because I’m deliberately confusing you. Sorry. I’m just...giddy, I guess.” Leaning in toward Cherry, voice hushed with excitement, Vanity said, “I’m going to have sex with Stack! Isn’t that amazing?”

“Vanity, seriously.” Cherry gave her a critical once-over. “Have you looked in a mirror lately? You could have sex with anyone you wanted.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you.”

Of all the— “Of course it was a compliment. You’re drop-dead gorgeous!”

“But no, I can’t,” Vanity said, disregarding her clarification. “Denver and Cannon are both entirely off limits, right?”

She frowned. “What?”

“For sex.”

Snapping her back straight, Cherry said, “Most definitely!”

“And I’m pretty sure Armie is, as well.”

“I—” Venturing into dangerous territory, Cherry cleared her throat. “You’re saying you want to have sex with Cannon, Armie and—” no, no, no “—Denver?”

“No, just proving a point.” She flapped her hand. “I’m all about Stack.”

Head swimming, Cherry stared at her. “You’re hung up on Stack?”

One brow went up. “Is there a reason you sound so incredulous?”

“No. Of course not. Stack is terrific. You’re terrific. I just... You’ve never mentioned him before.” At a loss, she lifted her shoulders. “Or dated, or far as I know, even talked to him that much.”

Vanity looked at her nails. “I think he’s yummy.”

“He is.” Not as hot as Denver by any stretch, but Stack was certainly as fit as the other fighters, and with his dark blond hair and smoky blue eyes, he drew a lot of attention. “I’m glad things are working out.”

“It’s just sex,” Vanity said, but her lips played with a smile. “Well, and a date to the wedding. Win-win.”

Cherry had to laugh. “Stack’s a lucky guy.”

“And I won’t let him forget it.” When the first raindrops splashed on the windshield, Vanity said, “Go, before you get soaked.”

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