He seemed plenty into her right now, but she couldn’t forget that everything had changed at lightning speed.

Not just her relationship with Denver, but...her entire life.

Shivering, she accepted that eventually Carver and his brothers would find her. They’d already hurt Leese and they wouldn’t mind hurting others until they got what they wanted.

If only she knew what that was.

Despite Denver’s protests, she probably should have called Carver—but would it have made a difference? Even though she’d gone along with Denver’s insistence that she wait, in the end they’d get to her anyway. More than anyone else ever could, she understood the lengths Carver would go to once he’d set his mind to something. Petty, mean and vindictive; one way or another Carver always came out on top.

If Denver knew the whole truth, what would he do?


The sudden intrusion of his deep voice made her jump. Embarrassed, she put a hand to her heart while turning toward him, a nervous laugh bubbling up—until she saw him. Then she went mute.

Denver stood there wearing only dark snug boxers.

He’d probably showered at the rec center, but now his hair was wet at the temples, showing he’d splashed his face. As usual, he hadn’t bothered to shave. The scruffy stubble, longer hair and those amber eyes somehow made him even more handsome. With his gaze direct, he waited to see how she’d handle his aggressive intrusion into her life.

Ha! She had his attention, and one way or another she wanted to enjoy as much of him as possible before it all fell apart.

The extended visit from Miles and Brand had surprised her; they dropped by occasionally, but usually didn’t hang out, not without Cannon there also. But Rissy, who had known them all much longer, took it in stride, so she assumed it was no big deal. While there, they’d regaled her with stories of Denver’s ability. She’d already learned what she could about his fighting career, but the guys were always a fount of eclectic information.

Denver’s style was that of a champion wrestler. Not only did he easily take opponents down—hard—but he had such good balance that other fighters couldn’t take him down. He blocked every shot with ease and usually turned the tables, with his opponent caught in a submission.

Commentators called him unmovable like a mountain, impenetrable like a steel vault. His winning streak made him the talk of the MMA world, and a lot of people anticipated his next fight.

What she hadn’t known was that he’d lose more weight as he neared the next competition, or that his body would get leaner, more shredded, stronger and faster. She couldn’t see how. He was already such a specimen, perfected in incredible ways.

Body relaxed, limbs loose, he tipped his head. “What are you thinking?”

So many things. “How breathtaking you are.”

He snorted and started across the floor. Wavy brown hair skimmed his broad shoulders, a few shades lighter than the hair on his powerful chest, muscular forearms and strong calves. She especially loved the treasure trail leading from his navel into the waistband of his boxers.

While she visually devoured him, he set his folded clothes and a small travel case on a chair, put his cell phone on the nightstand and walked over to stand in front of her.

Wow. That left her eye-level with his lap. He was semierect now, and even that was impressive. Badly wanting to touch him, to stroke him through the soft cotton, she curled her fingers into the bedspread folded down at the end of her bed.

She tried to blink but didn’t quite get there. “Are you hoping to distract me with sex?” It’d be a really awesome distraction, but she needed to assert herself first. She had to make him understand that she could deal with Carver. Ugly as it would be, she wanted Denver out of it.

With one finger under her chin, he got her attention northward. “I usually sleep in the nude.”

If he wanted an objection, he’d be disappointed. Already warm, turbulent need expanded inside her—typical whenever she got near Denver. “I’m okay with that.”

The side of his mouth lifted. “I figured it’d be better just to strip down to my underwear.” He toyed with her ponytail. “I’d love it if you did, too.”

Standing, she tugged her shirt off over her head and tossed it. She reached for the loose drawstring waistband of her pajama pants and Denver caught her wrists.

“Just to sleep, girl.” He eyed her taut nipples, and she saw he, too, breathed more deeply. “Tonight I only want to hold you.”

That had to be a joke.

Pulling her wrists free, she ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. His hands dropped to his sides.

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