But yeah, even he knew that was bullshit.

When he turned, she put a hand to his chest.

He felt that touch everywhere.

“I don’t mean to be pushy, but...I’m tired of playing guessing games.”

Is that what she thought? “No games.”

Exasperation brought her brows together. “I need to know, Denver. Are you dropping me off at my door...” Her gaze searched his. “Or sticking around for a while?”

Did she mean for sex? Or just to visit?

He couldn’t tell, was afraid to assume, but he’d vote for sex. Maybe once he had her he could end his obsession.

Curling his hand over hers, he lifted her knuckles to his mouth. If she wanted to leave it up to him, he had no problem making the final decision. He wanted her too much to keep fighting it. “Sticking around.”

She inhaled...and smiled. “Seriously?”

Such unguarded pleasure. “You like that idea?”

“I’m not the one who’s been unclear on things.”

Knowing he’d been far from decisive, Denver took that one on the chin.

“Didn’t you ride down with Stack and Miles?”

Trying to ignore how warm her hand felt in his, he said, “Yeah, why?”

Her small pink tongue came out to dampen her bottom lip, forcing him to swallow back a groan. “Well, they might leave early.”

Aware of his blood pumping hotly, his muscles tensing, he waited.

“I could offer you a ride.”

Lord help him. He didn’t need her saying suggestive things when his brain was already centered on getting her naked. His resolve had already weakened, but with such an open invitation, he lost the fight completely.

As if she’d read his thoughts, her eyes widened—and she laughed. “That sounded bad, didn’t it?”

“No.” Sounded really good to him.

Slanting him a look, her smile still in place, she clarified, “I could give you a ride home—in the morning, I mean.”

It wasn’t natural, how she teased and smiled and no matter how badly he behaved, kept her good humor. He hoped she wasn’t drunk. “Sounds like a plan.” Because now that he’d given in, he knew it would take the entire night to get his fill.

Holding her hand, he went in the same direction Armie had gone earlier.

Along the way, he paused by Stack and Miles long enough to say, “Don’t wait for me in the morning.”

Leaning away from the lady in his lap, Stack glanced at each of them, then at their entwined hands before breaking into a slow smile that made words unnecessary.

Miles reached around his own lady-friend to offer Denver a high five.

Ignoring his raised hand, Denver gave him the bird and walked away.

Laughter erupted behind them.

With a hand over her face, Cherry muttered, “Well, that was embarrassing.”

“You expected anything else?”

She dropped her hand and showed him a rueful smile. “With those two? No, not really.”

That she knew them both so well ramped up his jealousy, but he refused to react to it. From the moment the guys knew he was interested, Cherry had gone off-limits to them. Not for a second did he think they’d overstep, not unless he called the all clear.

And he wasn’t about to do that.

Slipping his arm over her shoulders, he drew her into his side and damn, it felt right having her close. She surprised him by resting her head against his shoulder for a second. When he glanced down at her, he saw she looked happy.

More than anything else, seeing that particular look on her face sent a heated rush of lust through his bloodstream, and convinced him he’d made the right decision—for both of them.

They passed Gage Ringer with his new bride Harper, both regulars at the gym, Gage as a fighter and Harper as a helper. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn’t notice Denver or Cherry.

Anticipation growing sharper, Denver led her through the throng, steering her around small clusters and heavier crowds. The loud, pulsing music and clamor of laughter and conversation made it difficult to talk until they finally reached the entrance.

As he drew her out the doors and into the quieter night, Cherry tipped up her face and drank in the humid evening air. “Ohhh, this is so much better.”

A storm gathered in the distance, sending brief flashes of lightning across the horizon. He could smell the rain in the air, and he felt his own mounting tension.

While a frisky breeze played with her hair, Cherry ducked against him comfortably, as if they’d been cozy forever.

She couldn’t know how it affected him, feeling her sweet body so close, inhaling the hot scent of her skin mixed with the dampness of the night.

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