Nodding, Denver waited.

“I can more easily forgive her, if you’ll forgive me.”

“Nothing to forgive,” Denver told him.

“That’s not true. There’s everything to forgive.” Lyle drew a deep breath. “I know she loves me, just as I know you’re the only indiscretion she had.”

That made him laugh. Shit. Now he was an indiscretion.


He scrubbed both hands over his face, then shot to his feet. “I never touched her except to push her away.”

“I know.” He held Denver’s gaze. “She told me that, too.”

“What do you want from me, then?”

“I know it’s a lot to ask, that you hate her now for all the trouble, but that’s more my fault than hers. I was older and should have used my head.”

No way could Denver deny that.

“Will you give her another chance? Give me another chance?”

His mouth twisted with the sneer. “Start over like it never happened?” He strode to the window to look out at the backyard, hoping to see Cherry. She was nowhere in sight, and that worried him. He needed to wrap this up. “I don’t hate her, Dad. I hate what she did. I hate how the situation rolled out. I hate that we lost so much time.” He turned and saw his father’s dejection, and it cut into him, into his heart. He moderated his tone, doing what he could to remove the edge. “But I love you. And if you love her, then sure, I can make nice.”

Hope brought Lyle forward a step. “You mean that?”

Yeah, he did, and now that he’d said it, a weight lifted off his shoulders. He grinned. “Cherry got me here. It’s what she wants.” Mostly because she knew it was important to him, and damn, but didn’t that make her almost too special for words? “I don’t ever want to disappoint her.”

“The way I disappointed you.”

Denver held out his hand. “We’re moving forward, right? No more looking back. It’s not necessary.”

His dad looked at his hand, took it, and pulled Denver in for another big bear hug.

This time he returned it.

A second later his phone rang.

* * *

THEY TALKED ABOUT WEATHER, Pamela complimented her sandals, and Cherry admired her home. All superficial, easy chitchat. Until Pamela led her outside, and instead of going to the seating area, she started around to the side of the house.

“Where are we going?”

Smile strained, Pamela said, “Do you mind? I thought I’d show you the grounds.” She halted, visibly wrestled with herself, and gave Cherry a direct look. “I also wanted to speak with you and I’d just as soon not be overheard by my husband or Denver.”

“Oh.” Thinking Denver might not like it if she got in the middle of things, Cherry said, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

Pamela disregarded that. “I’m sure Denver talked with you?”

“About many things.”

“You’re in love,” she said, as if that explained it.

Cherry prayed Denver felt the same, but rather than speak for him, she said only, “I am.”

Clearly distressed, Pamela started walking again. “You must hate me.”

“I barely know you.” Seeing no choice, Cherry hurried to keep up.

“You know of me,” Pamela persisted.

“I know you made mistakes, but then, we all do.”

Stunned, Pamela stared at her.

In for a penny, Cherry thought. She took a breath. “I know Denver is here because he wants to be a part of his father’s life. You’re in that life.” Cherry took her hand, drawing her to a halt. “And I know we can usually right the wrongs when we own up to them, apologize, and never, ever do them again.”

Pamela closed her eyes, a tear squeezed out, and then she smiled. “I’ve kept the lie so long,” she said brokenly. “I haven’t had anyone to talk to. I know, boo-hoo for me. Denver’s life was ruined and—”

“Not ruined at all,” Cherry corrected her. “He’s the strongest man I know. I doubt anyone or anything could ruin his life. But I believe it’s affected him.” Gently she added, “And it clearly affected you. Don’t you think you’ll feel better if you tell the whole truth?”

Pamela nodded. “Yes. I figured that out already. I was afraid...” She groaned. “God, I’m a coward on top of everything else. I wanted Denver to return because my husband isn’t a happy man, not with his son gone. He deserves to be happy. But I was so afraid Denver would show up only to throw my lies out there again.” She brushed the tears off her cheeks. “I talked with Lyle and told him everything.” Copyright 2016 - 2024