“You won’t go anywhere, not even the restroom, alone?”

She crossed her heart. “You have my word.”

After one more kiss that had Stack laughing and Armie rolling his eyes, Denver rejoined Cannon. The two men moved toward the pool tables with a small enthusiastic crowd.

“That’ll be you soon,” Cherry told Armie. “After your first match with the SBC, you’re going to get mobbed.”

In reply, he downed the rest of his beer.

When Merissa left her table, Cherry decided to go along just in case her roommate needed a friendly shoulder. Armie caught up to both of them right outside the women’s restroom.

He took Rissy’s arm. “Hold up.”

Cherry started to go into the restroom to give them privacy, but Armie nixed that idea by blocking the door. He didn’t look at Cherry, but kept his gaze focused entirely on Merissa.

She looked a little weak in the knees. “What—”

Jaw flexing, he watched her for several heart-stopping moments before finally grating out, “Don’t cut it.”

They stared at each other until Cherry started to feel like a voyeur.

Finally Merissa whispered, “Okay.”

As if that broke a spell, Armie glanced back at Cherry. “See if anyone’s in there.”

“The john?”


“Er...okay.” She opened the door, poked her head in, and saw two empty stalls but three women at the sinks refreshing their makeup. “Just ladies.”

Armie nodded. “I’ll wait for the two of you right here.”

Like a zombie, Rissy went in first, but as soon as the door closed behind Cherry, Rissy slumped against the wall and fanned her face.

“Good Lord,” Cherry said, agreeing with her. “What was that all about?”

“No idea.”

“He must like your hair long,” Cherry said around a jaw-aching grin. She was happy and darn it, she wanted everyone else to be happy, too.

“I guess.” Rissy covered her face, groaned, then dropped her hands and stared at Cherry. “It probably means nothing at all so please don’t tell—”

Cherry launched to her tiptoes to hug her—and that was funny enough all on its own given the disparity in their heights. “My lips are sealed.”

The three ladies exited the restroom, forcing Cherry and Rissy to separate.

Rissy went to the sink and smoothed her hair as if seeing it for the first time. “And to think I was ready to hide.”

Watching her, Cherry asked, “What do you mean?”

“I was offered a promotion in Indiana. Branch manager at a smaller bank. It seemed the perfect way to...well, stay away from Armie. I mean, when I’m here, I see him everywhere and...” Though they were alone, she dropped her voice to a whisper. “Armie does it for me. Know what I mean?”

“I do.” Because she’d always felt the same about Denver.

“Since he’s not interested, it’s always so uncomfortable for me.”

Cherry gave her a look until Merissa started to grin. “Yeah,” Cherry said. “I think he’s interested.”

Barely muffling a squeal, Rissy said, “So maybe I should put off hiding for a bit yet?”

“Yes, definitely.” As someone who’d spent far too much of her life hiding, she would never recommend it. She’d hidden because she was more terrified of what Carver and his brothers would do to her than she was of the bugs and snakes...in the woods...near the old rusted truck where she always hid.

Her eyes widened at the comprehension of her own stupidity. “Oh my God.”

Smile fading, Rissy asked, “What?”

Cherry put a hand to her head while the puzzle pieces began clicking together. “How could I have not realized?” But of course she knew. Fear. Whenever Carver got close, it shook her so badly she couldn’t think straight.

But no more.

She looked around the bathroom but found no answers. What to do? What to do?

Rissy frowned. “Cherry? You’re scaring me.”

The bathroom door cracked open, and Armie peeked in, looked at each woman and scowled. “What happened?”

Rissy gaped at him. “You can’t come in here!”

He took another look at Cherry and pushed on in anyway. “Cherry?”

Awful comprehension kept her wide-eyed. “I know what Carver wants.” Her own rushing heartbeat sounded loud in her ears. “I know!” Driven by urgency, she started out but Armie pulled her up short.

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