Seeing everyone outside the rec center, vulnerable, made her accept the truth: If Carver couldn’t get to her, he would definitely go after someone else just to hurt her.

Everyone she knew and counted as a friend could be a potential target. She had to figure out what he wanted. And to do that, she’d have to talk with him again.

“Hey, chin up, doll.” Since Armie had been in the middle of showering, he stood there on the sidewalk wrapped only in a towel. The females seemed to enjoy that. And why not? Armie was all muscles, sinew and cocky attitude wrapped up with sleek skin, sexy body hair and some intriguing tattoos. His deep brown eyes always held humor, and he didn’t have a single modest bone in his body.

“You’re making me feel naked,” he told her with a grin.

Cherry started to apologize for staring at him, but Stack stated, “You are naked,” forestalling any comment from her.

“I have a towel,” Armie argued.

“You could have just as easily grabbed your boxers.”

“Didn’t have boxers today.” He peered at Cherry, ensuring he had her attention, and she saw the wicked teasing in his eyes before he said, “See, I had these slinky little—”

Stack shoved him, making him laugh—and almost lose his towel.

There was some collective breath holding by all the females nearby, but Armie managed to keep the towel in place.

Without a care, he secured it again, then smiled down at Cherry. “Seriously, they’d have covered less.”

Fighting a smile, Cherry shook her head. “You are so immodest.”

“There you go,” Armie murmured with satisfaction. “Much better than the long face.”

“Not that you don’t look cute when you’re fretting,” Stack said. “But the smile is a better look for you.”

“You’re both nuts.”

They grinned at her.

Deciding they might make good confidantes, she whispered, “You know this was Carver.”

Stack and Armie shared a look. Yes, she realized they’d been clowning around for her benefit, but how could she laugh when Cannon’s business had just been interrupted? The firefighters had come out for nothing.

And she couldn’t quit thinking about what Carver might pull next. She had to stop him—but how?

“Don’t sweat it,” Stack told her. “His bullshit petty games will end soon enough.”

If only that were true. She nodded anyway, just to appease Stack.

Cherry realized then that he kept glancing over at Vanity. She looked, too, and realized why. Vanity had several admiring young men around her. When Vanity smiled, Stack frowned.

Taking pity on him, Cherry said, “You don’t need to stand guard over me.”

“What’s that?” he asked without taking his attention off Vanity.

Armie gave Cherry a conspiratorial grin. “Go,” he told Stack. “Cherry and I will entertain each other until we get the all clear. Looks like the firefighters are finally heading out, so it should be any minute now.”

Without a word, Stack nodded and stalked away, leaving Armie and Cherry alone—or at least as alone as they could be on the crowded curb.

“So.” Armie tipped his head to the side. “What’s on your mind, Cherry Pie?”

She groaned.

Tugging a lock of her hair, Armie said, “It suits you, so stop the cow sounds.”

“Cow sounds?”

“Mooing and groaning.” He turned to lean on the wall beside her. “You know what? I’m disappointed in you.”

Ouch. That hurt, but all she said was, “I understand.”

“Doubtful. See, you’re not only letting an asshole like Carver get to you, but you’re really putting it to poor Denver, and that dude has a fight coming up.”

Wincing, Cherry said, “I think that’s called a one-two punch, right?”

He laughed. “Or maybe a body shot?” Playfully, he punched her ribs. “Really takes the wind out of you.” Sobering, he blew out a frustrated breath. “If Carver is watching, do you really want him to see you looking all glum?”

She didn’t want to think about Carver actually seeing her.

“Smile, Cherry.”

She did.

“Better. And given you’re madly in love with Denver...?” He waited.

Her smile faded and she gave a small nod. For the longest time after gaining her independence, all she’d wanted was stability. But Denver trumped that. He trumped...everything. “I’ve loved him almost from the day I met him.” Copyright 2016 - 2024