Gene sat up, too. “If you keep dicking around, we’re going to get caught.”

Carver bolted forward. “Are you the brains now? You the one making the plans?”

“No. Just sayin’.”

Mitty returned and dropped into the bed, almost launching Gene out of it. They argued for a minute before going quiet again. When Carver looked at them, he saw that Mitty was back to snoring, but Gene just stewed.

As long as Gene didn’t interfere, he could mope all he wanted.

Quietly, Gene said, “I still remember that day in the woods as if it had just happened.” He stacked his arms behind his head. “How she looked as you slowly stripped her, the scent of her fear.” He glanced over at Carver. “How she pleaded with you.”

Carver inhaled sharply. He wanted to hear her begging again. He wanted to see her naked, now with a lush woman’s body.

“If Pops was here—” Gene began.

Carver cut him off. “He’s not though, is he?” Carver was now the head of the family, and he wanted what had been promised to him so damned long ago. “We only have a few more days to torment her, and I plan to make the most of it. Then this weekend, I’ll get her and we’ll head home. Stop sweating it.”

Gene considered him, but finally nodded. “All right.”

Carver appreciated his acceptance, but he’d have done as he pleased anyway. And it would please him to make the fighter pay before he got his fill of little Cherry Peyton.

Yes, he needed her to tell him where Janet had stashed the cash. Cherry knew, he believed Janet about that. The old bitch wouldn’t dare lie. If they didn’t carry on business as usual, the ones who’d killed Pops and put her in a hospital would be back, and then they’d finish the job.

On all of them.

But settling business matters wasn’t even close to everything he wanted from Cherry.

Thinking that, he checked the time again, then drew out the card Pamela had given him and used the hotel phone to call her. That little bird was so desperate for a compliment he’d had her eating out of his hand in seconds. Getting an invite to her party had been a cinch. As Gene said, it kept them in town a little longer than he liked, but he couldn’t pass up such a ripe opportunity to get revenge—and get his fill.

She answered with a brisk, “Hello?”

“Pamela? Hi. It’s Carver, Denver’s friend.” Mitty and Gene both stirred themselves to stare at him. He shook his head so they’d know to keep quiet and smiled into the phone. “I hope I’m not calling too early.”

“Carver,” she said with pleasure. “It’s fine. I’ve been up for hours.”

“Somehow I knew you weren’t a slug.” He suffered through her twittering laugh before asking, “Denver confirm yet?”

“Yes, thank goodness. He spoke to my husband and agreed to attend.”

“Good, good.” Fucking fantastic. “Is he bringing the girl with him?” That would be the best scenario, an easy way for Carver to grab Cherry in front of him, to let him feel the helplessness while Carver manhandled her.

And then Cherry could watch while Gene gutted the bastard.

“Yes, he is. And it’s actually a perfect situation.”

Yeah, hadn’t he just thought so? Carver laughed. “How’s that?” He was pretty sure Pamela didn’t have the same idea as him.

“There’s so much bad blood, but with Cherry there, everyone will have to play nice. Plus befriending her gives us an avenue back into Denver’s life. It’s why I invited her.”

“Good idea,” Carver said. “Denver can be difficult. I told you that.”

“Yes, and thank you again for offering your advice. It was very nice to discuss all this with one of his friends.”

“Denver and I go way back,” Carver lied. “I’m glad to help. It’ll make him happy to reunite with his family.”

From the opposite bed, Gene grunted.

“Just make sure you don’t tell him that we talked. It’d piss him off big-time and you’d be back at square one.”

“I won’t say a word, I promise.”

Breathing harder in anticipation, Carver bid her goodbye and disconnected the call. Thanks to Pamela, he knew exactly when and where to find Denver and Cherry. That gave him all the opportunity he needed.

He could hardly wait.

* * *

BEING WITH DENVER was amazing. After work, Cherry spent her time finding a good spot for some of her clothes. Easy enough, given his massive closet. Seeing her things arranged next to his gave her great satisfaction. Copyright 2016 - 2024