They agreed, and Stack asked, “So what’s going on with Leese? Why is he at the rec center?”

“I invited him.” More comfortable with this subject, Denver finished off his tea. “He’s not that bad.”

“Never said he was.”

“He’s sweet on Vanity,” Armie offered, and everyone knew he said it just to needle Stack.

Stack gave him one quelling glare but otherwise ignored him. “He hasn’t had any real training, has never belonged to a camp.”

“That’s what I figured.” Training with the best, Denver knew, made a huge difference. Each fighter learned from another. A few rose above the company they kept, but not often. “I checked out his record, watched him go through some drills. He’s got respectable moves, especially considering he’s taught himself.”

Stack grinned. “I watched him do some cage work with Justice, specifically submissions.”

Armie whistled. Justice was a big sonofabitch.

“He was getting tagged a lot until he caught Justice in a reverse triangle and skull-fucked the back of his head until the big man almost passed out. I tapped for him.”

“He’s too cocky,” Denver said, laughing with the others. “But then so is Justice.”

When the humor died down, Cannon said, “I like him. He’s good with the kids.”

“There is that.” Armie looked at Stack. “Also good with the ladies, or so I hear.”

Refusing to take the bait, Stack ignored him. “What if he’s still involved with the foster brothers?”

Denver had already thought it all through. “I don’t think he is, but we’ll keep an eye on him.” Even if he wasn’t involved, Denver couldn’t discount the possibility that the fucks would come after Leese again. “He was easy game for them once already. They’ll take another shot at him.”

Stack narrowed his eyes. “This time he won’t be alone, or drugged.”

“And he’ll be better trained,” Cannon said. “He’s a quick study who needs some fine-tuning.”

“And some humility,” Stack added with an evil grin. “I call dibs on that one.”

Armie laughed, opened his mouth—and Stack said to him, “Shut up.”

The sudden quiet as the shower shut off had every guy going still.

Muscles drawn taut, a low burning lust flamed into an inferno inside Denver. Now that he knew he loved Cherry, he wanted her even more.

And more often.

In several various ways.

He shoved back his chair. “I know you’re all scouring the neighborhood tonight, but—”

“But you’re not,” Armie finished for him. “Stay here with her. We’ve got it.”

Cannon agreed. “It’s covered.”

“I was going to join you after.” After he appeased the never-ending hunger. After he had her. Maybe twice. Then he’d get his head on straight and join them to do what needed to be done.

Stack laughed. “Cherry would wound you if she heard you say that.”

“Seriously.” Cannon clapped him on the shoulder, his expression firm. “Stay with her, get some rest, and we’ll let you know if we find out anything.”

On a regular basis they got together to walk the neighborhood, talking to business owners and the elderly...but they were right. He could skip a night.

“Then I guess I better get my car in the garage.” Grabbing his keys, he followed them through the house and out the door, and he didn’t even mind their ribbing.

He could take a few jokes.

And for now, he could take Cherry holding back.

What he couldn’t take was losing her.

Somehow, he had to draw out the brothers and send them packing—once and for all.


CHERRY WAS STILL drying her hair when the doorknob turned and Denver stepped in. He leaned against the doorframe, wearing that hot, intent look that never failed to fire her own awareness.

“Almost done,” she promised as she finished smoothing her hair using his flat brush. She wanted to look as nice as she could after the calamity of the afternoon. Just being fresh and clean went a long way toward restoring her confidence. “Just so you know, I used your toothbrush.”

“Help yourself to anything you need.”

Oh, that husky timbre to his voice was so sexy. “Glad you feel that way.” She set the brush down and turned to face him. “Because I used your lotion, too.” Generic and unscented, but her skin was now soft and sleek. Copyright 2016 - 2024