Sexy personified, she thought.

She cleared her throat, watching the bubbling water move against his skin and slide over his muscles.

“At the rec center,” he told her, “we have a hot tub that’s deep enough for me to sit in and still soak my shoulder.”

Guilt tripped over her. “We could have skipped tonight so you could—”

“No.” His voice roughened, his gaze piercing. “I need you tonight.”

Because of his stepmother and a past that had caused him a lot of pain. Wanting to be whatever he needed, she gave a small smile. “Then I’m glad I’m here.”

“Me, too.” He continued to watch her, waiting.

Oh. Right. She’d come in for a reason. “Chicken and brown rice okay?”

Visually stroking her body, he nodded. “Perfect.”

Still hesitating, she asked, “Do you, ah, need anything?”

“Other than you? I’m good.” He shifted, sending the water to slosh in the big tub and giving her a peek at the goods. Settling his head against the back of the tub, he said, “I feel like a hedonist. A hot soak, a hotter babe and dinner served. Doesn’t get any better than that.”

While she tried to think of something to say to that, his cell rang. They both looked at where he’d left it beside the sink.

“Want me to hand it to you?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” Sitting up, he dried his hands on a towel hung over the edge of the tub.

Without really meaning to, Cherry saw Stack’s name on the caller ID. “Here you go.” She gave him the phone, then excused herself, pulling the door shut behind her.

He had her in his house and the last thing she wanted to do was make him regret it by eavesdropping.

Besides, she could already guess what the call was about. The big bad defenders probably wanted to coordinate their plans. She shook her head while tenderizing the chicken. It was a little annoying, and a whole lot endearing, how protective they all were.

Denver didn’t emerge until half an hour later when the dinner was done. Wearing only loose shorts, his damp hair finger-combed back, he came in sniffing the air. “Smells good.”

She glanced at him, all over him, while dishing up two plates. “Your shoulder feels better now?”

“It’s fine.” He came up behind her and kissed the side of her neck. “What can I do to help?”

“Everything is ready. Just take a seat and I’ll serve you.”

“I’ll serve, you sit.” He pulled out a chair for her and then scooted her in before fetching the plates. After sitting across from her, he picked up a fork and said, “Let’s eat. Stack and Armie are stopping by in a few.”

She had a bite halfway to her mouth but that announcement threw her. “Wait, what?” She’d had her heart all set on sex!

“Yeah, we have some plans to configure. Keep your motor running because it won’t take too long. But they’re both moochers and will steal part of my meal if I don’t eat it fast enough.”

“Oh.” Her motor would definitely stay running. “Dig in, then.” With her bottom lip caught in her teeth, she watched as he cut into the tender, seasoned chicken.

Two seconds after he got the first big bite into his mouth, his eyes closed and he gave a low growl of pleasure. “So good.”

She beamed. “You like it?”

“Love it.” In rapid order he tried the fragrant rice and then the steamed broccoli, making his appreciation known. “Damn, girl, you do know how to cook.”

“Told you.”

He nodded at her plate. “Better get to eating. The guys aren’t above stealing from you, either.”

They ended up with a solid fifteen minutes before the doorbell rang. Plate empty, Denver stood, kissed her forehead, and went to answer.

He kept doing that, giving her small kisses in special places that felt intimate, but not necessarily sexual.

Again, her heart wanted to scream, Significance, while her brain cautioned, Don’t jump the gun.

But being here with Denver in his house, talking to him while he bathed, cooking and sharing a all felt so homey, so domestic.

And yet Carver was out there somewhere, just waiting to wreck her world. That’s why Denver’s friends—now her friends, too, she reminded herself—were visiting.

She heard the multiple voices and realized Cannon had come along, as well.

Only half of her meal remained when they all shuffled into the kitchen. Sure enough, Armie made a beeline for her and snatched a bite of chicken right off her fork. Copyright 2016 - 2024