The flight back home was uneventful. But before Jay could go home he had meetings lined up for the next few days all over India.

He sent Veronica back directly from Paris to Delhi but his flight landed at Mumbai. His new contracts had increased his responsibilities.

Not only was the wedding collection a success but his samples of The A & J Modern creation had also been appreciated by the suppliers in Paris.

Jay,s marketing team of Mumbai was the best so the entire presentation and marketing was to be handled by them.

After Mumbai he headed to Bangalore where he was too meet Sky Advertising- one of the most famous fashion magazine of India.

The editor of Sky advertising was an old classmate of Jay so together they spent the next few days working for his benefit.

Veronica on coming back was hell bent on making life miserable for Cia. She never lost an opportunity to undermine her. Forever she would be criticizing Cia for her dressing sense indirectly poking fun at her small town status. She even hinted that Jay and Veronica were now together and that Jay had never loved Cia.

Cia had only been a change, a time pass for Jay and nothing more.

Once or twice Sahil confronted Veronica on her behavior but Veronica silenced him by asking him not to interfere in her life Copyright 2016 - 2025