"Darling, we must live for one another--in the world of course for

duty; but our real life shall be alone at Milasláv for only you and me.

You must teach me to be calm and to banish impossible thoughts. You

must make yourself my center--Tamara, you must forget all your former

life, and give yourself to me, sweetheart. My country must be your

country, my body your body, and my soul your soul. I love you better

than heaven or earth--and you are mine now till death do us part."

Then the glory of paradise seemed to descend upon Tamara, as he bent

and kissed her lips.

Oh! what did anything else matter in the world since after all he

loved her! This beautiful fierce lover!

Visions of enchantment presented themselves--a complete intoxication

of joy.

He held her in his arms, and all the strange passion and mystic depths

which had fascinated her always, now dwelt in his eyes, only

intensified by delirious love.

"Do you remember, Sweetheart, how you defied and resisted me? Darling!

Heart of mine! but I have conquered you and taken you, in spite of all!

You cannot struggle any more, you are my own. Only you must tell me

that you give me, too, your soul. Ah! you said once I should have no

part or lot in that matter. Tamara, tell me that I have it?"

And Tamara thrilled with ecstasy as she whispered, "Yes, you have it."

She cared not at all about pride--she did not wish to struggle, she

adored being conquered. Her entire being was merged in his.

He held her from him for a second and the old whimsical smile full of

tender mischief stole into his eyes.

"That night at the hut--when you dropped the pistol when--well, don't

you want to know what really did happen?" he said.

She buried her face in his scarlet coat.

"Oh, no, no, no!" she cried. "It is all forgotten and forgiven."

Then with wild passion he clasped her to his breast.

"Oh! Love!" he said. "My sweet Princess; the gods are very kind to us,

for all happiness is yet to come--! I did but kiss your little feet."

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