Tamara shivered. If she could only overcome this numbness which had

returned--if she could only let her frozen heart speak; this was surely

the moment, but she could not, she remained silent and white and


He came over to the sofa.

"Tamara," he said, and his voice vibrated with suppressed passion.

"Will you tell me the truth? Do you hate me,--or what do you feel for


She thought he meant only to torture her further; she would not answer

the question.

"Is it not enough that you have conquered me by force? Why should you

care to know what my feelings are? As you say, after Wednesday I shall

belong to you--You can strangle me at Milasláv if you wish. My body

will be yours, but my soul you shall never soil or touch, you have no

part or lot in that matter, Prince."

His eyes filled with pain.

"I will even have your soul," he said. Then, as though restraining

further emotion, he went on coldly. "I have arranged that after the

wedding we go to my house, and do not start for the South until

Saturday. There are some things I wish to show you there. Will that be

as you wish?"

"I have no wishes, it is as you please," Tamara answered monotonously.

He gave an impatient shrug, and walked up and down the room, his will

kept its mastery, but it was a tremendous strain. Her words had stung

him, her intense quiet and absence of emotion had produced a faint

doubt. What if after all he should never be able to make her love him.

For the first time in his life a hand of ice clutched his heart. He

knew in those moments of agony that she meant the whole world to him.

He glanced at her slender graceful figure so listlessly leaning against

the blue cushions, at her pale ethereal face, and then he turned

abruptly away toward the door to the other salon.

"Come," he said, "it is of no avail to talk further, we will say

goodnight." Tamara rose. The way to her room led from the opposite


"Goodnight then," she said, "make my adieu to Sonia and the rest. I

shall go to bed," and she walked that way. The whole floor was between

them, as she looked back. He stood rigid by the other door.

Then with great strides he was beside her, and

had taken her in his arms.

"Ah! God!" he said, as he fiercely kissed her, and then almost flung

her from him, and strode from the room.

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