She put down fresh cat food and water, both of which were still full. She changed the station on the radio, which had been playing Belly’s favorite nature sounds.

Then she got to work cleaning up a mug of old coffee the cat had pushed off the counter and the soil she’d dug out of the potted palm and kicked across the hardwood.

“I love you, my darling,” she said, pulling out a brand-new catnip mouse for the cat to play with. “But right now, I can’t for the life of me remember why.”

Still nothing from Ethan.

Restless and still nerve-jangled, she went downstairs to check the messages on her business line.

No phone messages, but one email. Subject line: Cherry Festival photography.

Instantly, her guard went up. She opened the message, hoping it would simply be confirmation of the various details they’d discussed.

We regret to inform you that the board has elected not to retain the services of Forever Yours Photography for the upcoming Cherry Festival. Certain aspects of your business are incompatible with the family-oriented nature of our community celebration. We wish you the best in your endeavors.



And this after Karen’s phone call, confirming the plans.

The message was sent from the office email address, and not even signed with a name.


Dear Festival Organizers, she replied.

Volunteer Karen Stanhope confirmed our arrangements via telephone less than a week ago, therefore this constitutes breach of contract, as well as defamation of character.

She had no idea if it actually did, but the people at City Hall weren’t likely to recognize the bluff.

I’ll be at the festival to provide the required services, as agreed.

Despite being well past business hours, the response came rapid-fire.

You may of course take whatever photographs you desire, but under the auspices of Cherry Lake. In fact, due to the distasteful nature of our discovery and the inconvenience of having to locate a new photographer at such late notice, we expect a full refund of the agreed-upon retainer.

Her one-third upfront payment, her only protection against exactly this scenario? Fat chance of that.

Carrie tapped out several paragraphs explaining exactly what she thought of their decision and why it was wrong and everything she’d done for the festival in the past… and then deleted the message unsent.

You could not change minds that refused to be changed. All you could do was adapt and change, yourself.

But it was a bitter pill and the taste of it, on top of her worry about the dog and of course, Ethan, left her hurt, disappointed and sick at heart.

And hungry.

Still no message from Ethan. Maybe she needed to send him a message.

Hey, any news on Gunny? How’s your head? You were right about my food situation. Pathetic. Are you going back to the clinic? Need me to do anything? Let your other dogs out? Bring you some clothes? A couple of pizzas? Just ask, okay? -C

There. That sounded about right. Casual, yet concerned. Friendly. Because they were friends.

Friends who kissed.

And she was worried about the dog. Despite her initial reaction to them, they’d charmed her with their tricks. Ethan had them extremely well-trained and it still irked her that Mayor Calloway had the gall to sic Animal Control on him. The thought of sweet, powerhouse, bone-headed Gun fighting for his life was just wrong.

She could only imagine how Ethan must be suffering.

Enough, she told herself. There’s nothing you can do. It’s not your problem.

She opened the refrigerator door. Now that the adrenaline was fading away, she was aware of the fact that she was running on empty. Unfortunately, Ethan was right, there was nothing to eat in her house. It was sad and pathetic. But she had no energy for shopping now.

She put some bread in the toaster and got out the peanut butter and jelly. A cup of tea, a hot shower and she’d be set for bed.

Except three hours later, when Ethan still hadn’t answered her text, she realized that it was her problem.


The next morning, Carrie punched the buttons on her phone, then tossed it onto the bed, biting back a scream. She hated waiting, hated feeling like there was nothing she could do, like the problem wasn’t even hers to worry about.

But to show up at the animal hospital, uninvited would surely be a mistake too. Copyright 2016 - 2024