Bill was still thinking to himself when his eyes caught a thin brunette shaking her ass-off down below. He looked closely at her. Surely must be a stranger and if not, she was the rare one whose name he seldom had any serious person mention. He could tell that she had nothing to lose from the way she was dancing, like Windowmill wasn't such a small town.

With each closer look, Bill felt a twinge of emotion clutch at his guts especially with the sudden head-turn she had done when she looked up only to catch him staring at her. Their eyes locked. She was hot, like the devil himself. Or she-devil if he was a she, for whichever the devil chose, this girl was still hot. He gathered she was obviously drunk, not from the way her once steady balance on the floor started to tumble. The fact that she kept staring at him and yet never seemed to care about her actions bothered him even more. Was she some girl he had dumped back in college that had come to seek revenge? Nemesis wouldn't catch up with him. His lower tummy stiffened and he knew he was liking her with each 'I don't care' stroke that she did.

Bill Mayan. Young and hot. Black hair. Shoulder-length. A tall frame that would get him noticed in a distance, plus a well-toned body dressed so well that females never failed to notice. Tonight, he was wearing a cool Calvin Klein T-shirt that matched his blue jeans. 6ft tall and handsome, plus a pair of glimmering grey eyes that seemed to drink in whoever his gaze was fixed at in a firm ecstasy. He was Bill Mayan the legend and mystery of Windowmill. Youth-full billionaire who owned a conglomeration of enterprises in Rome and Paris and rarely to caught speaking with a resident of Windowmill. As if to make matters worse, his mansion stood far off, close to the age of the little island. Rumor had it that the incredible Bill owned and employed almost half of the island. No one really managed to figure out how he had mastered the craft of business, but either way, he was young and yet seemed to have it all. He had also encountered a few scandals with stalkers, both male and female. Young and aged, but mostly in pursuit of his money yet he still managed to keep to himself. Still a mystery.

He moved down the ground floor, his gaze holding the brunette's, who was then finding her way out of the club. People were paving way for her, some because they thought she was mentally perturbed, others out of sympathy, understanding the fact that she had lost almost her entire family and that her life had never been the same since then. Some said the girl was haunted while the rest either pitied or criticized her attitude and actions. A few minutes later, she was close the exit. Bill's gaze still fixed upon her. Copyright 2016 - 2024