Bill was in the bedroom that had been Linda's when she was in his house. He had been there almost all week. Pacing about, cursing himself. He was the reason she had gone. It was his stupidity. He'd hurt her, then he had driven her off. He wished he had confessed about him and Bradley the day Esther had visited. That was the day he had discovered she'd gone to his study but he'd not minded. It was the same day he'd found the book with the Bradley autograph in it open on the table. But it had not crossed his mind then. He scolded himself. A tear running down his face. He had told himself all week that he was a man and that no woman had the right to make him cry. But Linda had. He'd wanted to tell her that the night at the club hen Bradley called, he had wanted them to get back together. He had wanted to know whether he had hurt Bill in any way so he could apologize. But Bill had told him that that had not been an issue when he had gone to the bathroom. He had gone to tell Bradley the real reason as to why he couldn't date him any more even after six years and he had. He had told him that he'd found a woman. That he was in love with Linda and that he'd planned to propose to her that very night. Bradley had understood. Broken but understood. He'd even wished Bill luck although he'd been crying. Bill had been hurt too. But it had become clear to him that he wanted Linda. Then she had discovered on their way to his house, and she had been broken. He had been truthful but she'd still left him. She had not even given him a chance to explain fully. Bill wept at the pain, she had stubbed him in the back. It was still very clear in his mind even after a week. He'd not turned up for work, he had missed appointments, he'd grieved, and pained, yet he could not bring himself to think about anything but her. He had barely eaten. He had not even realized how deep the attachment had been when Linda had been in his house, until she'd left him. She'd walked out on him like he meant nothing to her.

He was still crying when he had a knock at the door. He did not have the strength to open. Whoever it was would knock until they got tired. Then they would go. The person persisted and still Bill paid no attention. He would grieve until the whole world forgot he existed. Or maybe if Linda could give him a second chance. Maybe she would reconsider him. Then he would reconsider the world too. Copyright 2016 - 2024