“Not shit.” He smiles, flashing his deep set of dimples. “Just enjoying this relaxing night. I sometimes forget how nice it can be to just bartend. No screaming girls in my damn ear. You know?”

“I hear ya.” I pull out my wad of cash and throw him a ten. “Give me a beer.”

Cale reaches below him in the fridge and slams a beer down in front of me. “You look like you need one. Things didn’t go well with your girl?”

I give him a hard look and grind my jaw, trying to keep my cool. “Depends on what the hell you consider good.” I tilt back my beer and look up at him. “Let’s just say I arranged a little fun for her tonight and it has me a little on edge.” I run my hand through my hair and tilt my head back. “I deserve it though. I have no right to be mad.”

“Ouch. You just have to think of it this way. At least she wants you there for her fun. She could want to do whatever that is without you. It’s a step, my man.”

I nod my head while slamming back more of my beer. I sit here in silence for a moment and try my best to think of the positive shit this could lead to. “I suppose your ass is right. If it’s one step closer to making her mine again then I’ll do it and show her how far I’m willing to go for her this time.”

Cale jumps up to sit on the bar and slaps my shoulder. “Right on. You know no woman can resist the Hemy charm.”

I tilt my head up and give him a dirty look. “She left me, asshole. It obviously doesn’t work on her.”

“Yeah. And that’s why you have to show her the new Hemy charm. Has any other woman been able to resist you?”

I shake my head while finishing off my beer.

“Exactly!” He jumps down from the bar and fetches me another beer. “She’ll come around. Now drink that and get the hell out of here. I have shit to do.”

He backs away with a smile while giving me the middle finger with both hands before turning around and helping another customer.

I’m going to please my woman and make her mine again. I don’t care how . . .

Chapter Seven


I’ve been off work for the last hour, trying to get my head straight. I spent the whole night lost in thoughts of Hemy, and trying to decide what I should do. He hurt me. He hurt me numerous times and the visions I have of him playing in my head are like a poison. They’re draining me bit me bit, making it hard to even function.

We weren’t supposed to meet up like this. I was supposed to have more time to prepare. I was hoping he wouldn’t recognize me at first and that I would have more time to feel him out, to see if he has changed. I have something to tell him. This is something that will change his life forever, but I need to know that he is clean, and the only way to do so is to spend time with him.

I have no idea how I’m going to be able to hang out with him without wanting him. That’s why I have to be careful. I have to do whatever I can to keep him at a distance, and to keep my heart safe. The kiss that he surprised me with still has my heart beating wild and my legs trembling. It was all too familiar and reminded me of what I’ve been missing.

“You can do this,” I whisper while looking into the mirror. “You’ll just go there and feel him out.” I grip the sink and close my eyes.

I need to do this. The only problem is, I have no idea what he has planned. Hemy is wild. If he thinks I want a threesome with him and another man, he’ll find a way to make it happen. He has a way of getting anything that he wants. He’s better at this than I am. That’s why I have to push back and not give him the alone time he needs to win me back. If he wants me physically, the only way I’ll be safe is by making him share me. Once he gets me alone, he wins.

I open my eyes and take a deep breath as the bathroom door pushes open to Ash peeking in. Her dark curls fall over her shoulders when she smiles. “Hey,” she whispers.

I force a smile and choke back my emotions. I know I’m doing the right thing. “Hey, sweetie,” I reply. “You do good on tips tonight,” I ask as a distraction.

She pushes the door open and leans against the frame. “I did great on tips.” She looks me over and frowns. I guess the distraction didn’t work. “What’s been up with you tonight? You’ve been acting strange. Is everything alright?”

Not really. Not yet. “I’m good,” I lie. “I’m just feeling a little off tonight.” I push away from the sink and turn to walk toward the door. “There’s an old friend of mine that I haven’t seen in a while. It’s just bringing back a lot of old memories.”

She smiles in understanding and nods her head. “Memories are the last thing I want to think about. Hopefully yours are a lot better than mine.”

I run my hands over my dress to dry my sweaty hands. If only she knew. “Some are good.” I smile. “I’m heading out for a while. I’ll be back.”

She takes a step back, allowing me to walk through the door. “Onyx.” I stop and turn around. “Will I get to meet this old friend?”

I swallow and nod my head. “Someday.”

I turn and walk to the door as fast as I can.

I hope I’m strong enough to do this . . .


Nico arrived about an hour ago. Of course he is always down to do whatever I ask. It’s been that way since the day I met him. It’s nice having someone you can rely on.

“You want another beer, man?”

I tilt my head to look at Nico. He’s standing by the fridge, dressed up in a black button down and dark jeans with his light hair styled back. He can hold his own when it comes to physical attributes. Getting girls is never a problem for him. I have no doubt that he won’t please Onyx. The thought kills me, but I won’t let it win and bring me down. I will smolder it on contact. She needs this. I need to give it to her, so maybe we can move on from the past. People like to say not to get even, but it’s the only way to lay things to rest.

“Nah. I’m good.”

My heart jumps to my throat when I see a car pull up in front of the house. I knew she would show. The question was when. It’s already past three a.m. Not that it matters. She’s here and that’s what counts. It just gives me the confirmation that a part of her still wants me. Whether it’s just physical, emotional, or both, I will find out soon enough. Time. Just a little more time.

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