I grind my hips faster while moaning out and biting my bottom lip. I place my hands on my hips and roll with the beat of the music, popping my ass with each one. I trail my hands upward and continue the slow hypnotic motion of the dance.  I stop briefly when I reach my breasts that are peeking out of my top. I can feel his eyes on me, both of them. I close my eyes and continue my path upward until I reach my long blonde hair.

The heels of my black leather knee-high boots are pressed into the leather of the sofa. I keep my balance steady as I grind against his cock. My eyes remain closed. I fist through my hair, messing it, as I seduce him with my movements.

I sit up and tease him in reverse, running my hands down my breasts, down my stomach and in between my ass and his hard on, while looking over at Hemy.

His eyes go hard as he reaches down to adjust his cock. Seeing him hard gets me even more excited. It actually has me turned on. Our eyes lock as I grasp Mr. Professional’s cock in my hand and start rubbing myself faster while stroking it through the fabric.

The guy starts moaning and gripping onto the couch as his cock starts throbbing in my hand.

I stand up and turn back around with my pussy in his face as he comes in his fancy slacks.

“Oh fuck,” he moans while rubbing his hands over his face. “That was fast.”

I look at Hemy and smirk. “That was fast.”

Hemy runs his hand over his cock, but looks pissed. I can tell he wants to get off too. Hemy’s not as easy as this guy was. He needs more. “Now, it’s time for round two.”

“Are you sure you can handle round two?”

A rumble comes from Hemy’s chest. “If I can handle losing you, I can handle anything.”

Now my focus is all on wanting Hemy to come for me. As bad as it sounds, I need this. I’m wound so tight right now, and that’s all I need to push me over the edge.

I pick up the three hundred dollar bills and hand them to the messy guy that couldn’t hold his shit. “Leave,” I say. “You should probably go clean up.”

My eyes meet Hemy’s and they stay there as the man quickly leaves us alone.

“Lock the door,” I demand. Hemy follows him and locks the door with a smirk before he walks over to stand in front of me. “No touching,” I state. “Just yourself.”

Hemy grabs me by the hips and sets me on top of the table before walking away and taking a seat on the other side of the couch. The clean side.

His eyes watch me with heated desire as I open the rest of my bustier and pull it open. My hands reach up to rub my pierced nipples, causing Hemy to growl and adjust his cock.

“Mmm . . . you like that?” I run my hands in between my breasts until they reach the top of my panties. “I want you to come for me, Hemy. I miss seeing you lose it over me.”

He watches me as I drop down on my knees and spread my legs apart. I slowly slide my hand down the front of my panties and run my finger up and down my wetness before sliding a finger inside. “Mmm . . . I’m so wet for you.” I push in and out. “Can you hear it, Hemy? Remember how much you loved the sound of me being wet for you?”

“Fuck yes.” He undoes his jeans before pulling down the zipper. “Fuck yourself faster and rub your nipple with your other hand.” I do as he says while moaning out. “That’s it, baby. Do it for me.”

I position myself so that I’m sitting on my ass with my legs spread eagle in front of his face. I want to be sure he gets a good view. Then, I pull my panties to the side and bare my wet, throbbing, pussy to him.

“That’s it, Onyx.” He pulls his cock out of his jeans and I instantly notice the piercings. It has me so turned on that I have to stop all movement in fear of getting off too soon. He notices me eyeing his cock and grins. “Imagine these steel bars deep inside you as I pound into you. You know I like it deep, baby.” His hand starts stroking his cock and I instantly notice the bead of pre-cum that drips off the head and onto his hand.

I bring my hand down to touch myself again and move at the same rhythm Hemy is, as he strokes himself. His eyes never stray away from my fingers shoving themselves deep inside me.

I’ve needed this for a long time. Ever since leaving Hemy, reaching orgasm has become almost close to impossible. Just watching him get off as I get myself off is enough to make me want to explode.

He starts stroking harder and faster while sucking on his lip ring. “I’m about to blow, baby. I wish it were inside of you.”

His words set me off and I find myself shaking from the most intense orgasm I have had in years. A few seconds later, Hemy is blowing his load into his free hand, moaning out my name.

We both look at each other while coming down from our temporary high.

He reaches for a clean towel and wipes his hand off. “We still need to talk.”

I cover myself back up and close my eyes. “I don’t have time right now. I’m working.”

Right as I’m about to close my legs, his eyes meet the inside of my right thigh.

He jumps out of his chair and grips my thigh to hold it open. “What the fuck is that?” He spreads my legs wide open and runs his hand over my tattoo while breathing heavily. “You got my name tattooed on you?”

I never meant for him to see that. It was for my own private reasons. The lettering is so small that you can barely even make out what it says unless you look extra close. “Not now, Hemy. I’m not getting into this.”

He growls as I push his hands away and force my legs closed. “That was my favorite spot. I would kiss you there almost every night before bed. Is that why you did it?”

I’m not answering that. This was a horrible idea but I needed to get off.

“I don’t have time for this.” I climb off the table and walk toward the door with speed. I get ready to open it, but get stopped by Hemy’s voice.

“Come to my work when you have time.” He walks past me and stops to look back at me with hurt eyes. “I’ll always make time for you. I won’t break anymore promises.”

I stand there and watch him as he walks away. He knows damn well that he has me hanging on again. The question is . . . how tightly?

Well that went well . . .

Chapter Six


If Onyx thought for one minute I was going to back off she really doesn’t remember how persistent I was when it came to her. Now that I’ve gotten another glimpse at what’s been mine all along, there is nothing that can stop me from claiming her as mine again. I’m a lot stronger than I was back then. My head is a lot clearer. I know what I can’t live without and without a doubt that is her.

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