“A new enemy is coming. So we’ll be recruiting. We’ll be protecting our race! Preserving White Pride!”

“And our old enemies?” some little shit asked from the circle. “The Hangmen killed knights of ours, including my brother. They need to pay in blood!”

Landry turned and walked toward the man. “Your brother was weak. He got himself killed. Wasn’t smart enough to win that fight. He was tested, and he failed. They all were. We gotta be better than that.”

Styx’s eyes narrowed.

“Lenny fucking died! Those Hangmen fucks deserve to die too!” the little shit spat out.

Landry walked back into the center, ignoring the shit’s rant and turned in a circle so every Klansmen looked his way. “We have a new mission now, and for that we need good men. Strong men. We will be serving a higher purpose, a new battle that’ll be blowing our way. And all will be revealed in time!”

A few minutes later The Klan broke away, leaving the cross to burn out and went off to celebrate closer to Landry’s house.

When the last of the white robes had disappeared, we got to our feet and Styx turned to Tank. “You think they’re gonna leave us alone?” he signed and I voiced the question out loud.

Tank nodded his head. “Sounds like it. When Landry gives an order, he fuckin’ gives an order and anyone that goes against it dies. Sounds like they got something bigger brewing. Probably gearing up for the race war they think's rolling in but’ll never come.”

“So that just leaves—” Styx signed, talking more business but I cut him off just to get this shit done with. I had a bottle of Jack waiting with my name all over it.

“The Columbians’ll be shipping the new ammo next week. We got the street gangs back onside after the clusterfuck that was the Jesus freaks’ attempt at a takeover. The smalltime MC’s are keeping outta our way, Senator Collins is having the feds keep their fuckin’ noses outta our shit, and there’s no word of any trouble brewing with the Diablos,” I said and threw a wink at my best friend, taking a fuckin’ bow when I was done.

Styx’s jaw clenched at me cutting him off, but when I lifted my head back up, he signed, “Good. Then we’re done.”

I clapped my hands together and threw on my prizewinning smile. “So let’s get the fuck back to the compound and get completely smashed!”

I threw my arm around Styx’s shoulders as we headed down the hill to our bikes, hurrying to get the fuck away from this burning slice of redneck hell!

An hour later, we rolled into the compound, the place already brimming with pussy. Jumping off my bike, I turned to my brothers.

“Let’s get fucked up! There’s more club slut pussy coming tonight than I can manage. I only got ten fingers and one monster cock; can’t satisfy them all!”

“Though you’d give it a fuckin’ try!” AK shouted back at me, heading to the club.

A chorus of laughter roared out and all the brothers rushed inside to pick their slut and poison. Flame headed to the back of the garage, blade in hand, off to be the crazy fuckin’ guard dog he’d been for weeks.

I walked up to Styx and slapped him on his back. “You joining us tonight, brother?”

He shook his head, his dark hair falling in front of his face. “G-going for a-a r-ride with M-Mae.”

I playfully whistled low. “Fuck, man, not again! Stay here, drink, get fucked up. You don’t have to piss off with your bitch every time we party.”

Styx glared at me. “Sh-she’s still learning h-how to be on the outside w-w-world. It’s t-too mu… much.”

Styx was talking about how Mae still knew little but a life in the commune. Some serious old-school pilgrim way of life. She was still adjusting to how life worked out here on the outside and Styx was slowly teaching her.

“Fine.” I sighed as Styx reached into his pocket and pulled out a smoke. A question suddenly came to mind. “You’re wrapping up when you fuck Mae, yeah? Things are going to shit of late for us here at the club and we don’t need more problems.”

Styx stilled and his eyes snapped to mine. I got it; no one talked shit about Mae and she was never a problem. The fucker was insane over the bitch. She was fuckin’ hot, all long black hair and stunning wolf eyes that the brother was crazy about. Styx was obsessed with her. Fuckin’ lived and died for her. Was no way I’d ever be that way over a piece of pussy.

My old man’s words of wisdom came straight to mind: Pussies are to be licked good and fucked hard—never worshipped.

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