“Okay. Will do.” He fought to keep his amusement hidden since he knew it would only piss her off. He wondered if she was aware of how her chest heaved when she got all worked up and bossy. He doubted it. She wouldn’t wear that prim hairstyle if she was the type to flaunt herself. No, he’d wager money she had no idea just how hot she was.

Matt sat on the end of the long plastic exam table and watched as Penny bustled around the room. She gathered a small red ball, a couple of weights, and what looked like a belt. As she moved, her scrubs bunched and tightened over her behind. Her incredibly toned, perfectly round behind. No wonder the old guy couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

I’m not going to ask. I am not going to ask.

He lasted about forty-five seconds before he blurted, “So, did that old guy just grab your ass?”

Penny stopped moving abruptly. Then her lips stretched into a big smile. Matt had to stare. Her entire face changed when she smiled. She went from pretty to radiant.

“Mr. Eisenberg? Oh, yeah. We have a nickname for him around here. Grabby-hands. The assistants all pick straws to see who’ll deal with him at check-in. Luckily, he only needs therapy twice a week now.”

“I know the guy is older than dirt, but that’s harassment. And it’s gross.”

Penny looked over her shoulder at him. “He has Alzheimer’s.”

“So you feel sorry for him? I don’t get it. I guess I’m not that nice, but I’d still kick him to the curb. It’s not like he’ll remember, right?”

“Matt!” Her mouth fell open. “Not okay!” She stared at him in shocked silence for a moment. Then he saw it. Her lips twitched like she was trying not to laugh. It seemed to make her angrier because she crossed her arms and glared at him. “That is… I can’t even state how many ways that is not okay.”

He held up his hands. “Sorry. I’m not making light of his condition. I’m just saying.”

Penny narrowed her eyes at him. “And I don’t feel sorry for him. As you so elegantly stated, it’s not like he’s aware of what’s happening to him most of the time. But his family is. He has children and grandchildren. They deserve to have a grandpa who has enough mobility to give them a hug when they come visit.”

Matt sat back and observed her. “I’m starting to understand you a little better. You like to fight for the underdog.”

“I like to help people. Everyone deserves a little help, right?”

“Yeah. I’m just not as selfless as you are.”

“I wouldn’t say that. You jump out of airplanes to keep the rest of us safe. I’d say that’s pretty selfless."

Matt looked down at his hands. “I don’t do it because I want thanks.”

“Heroes are never asking for thanks, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it.”

Heat rushed to his cheeks. Many people expressed their appreciation for his military service and he’d learned to accept the praise with some grace. With Penny, it was different though. It made him feel like a little kid being praised by his favorite teacher in front of the class.

Because you’re trying to impress her. You care a little too much what she thinks.

“I guess. So, you’ve been putting up with Mr. Grabby-hands for how long now?”

“It’s been about a year since he started coming here. His mind is usually back in the seventies, so he still thinks it’s okay to call women “sweetheart” and pinch our bottoms as a form of affection. It’s gross but he’s harmless.”

“So does that mean I’d get the same treatment if I had wandering hands?”

Penny pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear and got busy lining up the items she’d collected on the table next to him. “That’s different. You’re different.”

“Am I? Why? Maybe I temporarily forget my manners and reach out when I see a pair of soft, perfectly round—”

“Matt!” Her head snapped up.

“I was going to say ‘stress balls.’ Why, Penelope, what did you think I was going to say?”

It was an unexpected pleasure to watch her blush and stumble over her words. Teasing her was just too easy.

“Nothing. You’re not pulling me into your perverted games.” She sniffed and picked up a clipboard from the table.

She didn’t look at him as she made a few notations on the sheet. He leaned over and tried to read it but when she saw him looking, she pulled it away and flipped the top page down. He could only imagine what she’d written about him in her small, neat handwriting. Patient is being difficult, probably.

The thought made him smile.

“There’s nothing perverted about it. I assure you, it’s completely natural for a straight man to lose most of the blood circulation to his brain when he sees a woman like you.”

“A woman in scrubs and who wears her hair in a bun? You really are a charmer if you expect me to believe that.” Penny scoffed.

Matt leaned forward. “Trust me, I’m not worried about how you wear your hair. And as for the scrubs…” Something in his voice or maybe his facial expression must have conveyed how serious he was because she suddenly stood ramrod straight.

“Enough talking. We have work to do.” She didn’t meet his eyes as she motioned for him to raise his arm.

Matt complied, more than eager to get started. As she led him through a series of exercises, Penny was tough but encouraging. When he did something wrong, she corrected him. When he did something right, she praised him.

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