He winked at her. “Let’s go all out.”

The champagne was brought by a different waiter and presented and poured with more pomp and circumstance than she could have imagined. Once they were alone again, she raised her glass of the bubbling golden liquid. “Here’s to a night to remember.”

“I’ll toast to that.” Scott tapped his glass against hers.

Their food was brought ten minutes later and Penny grinned at Scott over the plate. “This is amazing. Thank you.” She took her first bite and hummed with pleasure. She was so absorbed in her food that she didn’t look up until Scott reached across the table and took her hand.

“I brought you here to celebrate more than just our anniversary, babe.” Scott leaned closer. “I’ve been thinking a lot about the future lately.”

Oh my god, this is it.

Penny took a long, bracing gulp of her champagne, then moved her chair slightly closer. “I have, too. Just today I was thinking how well we get on together.”

“Yes, we do. You complement me perfectly. I need a partner I can rely on. One who’ll understand and support my goals. You’ve always pushed me to reach the next level. To be a crusader for justice.”

Her brow furrowed at the last part. Crusader for justice?

“I suppose so. Of course, I’m all for… justice.” She could only hope her face didn’t look as awkward as it felt.

“Well, I did it. Babe, I’m going to be the district attorney in Atlanta. I always thought I’d be district attorney already so I could be running for office soon, but this is exactly the kind of step up I’ve been working toward. It’s a little late, but I’ll take it.” He chuckled at his own joke.

She hesitated a beat too long before her manners kicked in. “Congratulations. Scott, that’s wonderful.” She meant it. Scott was a brilliant attorney and he deserved a promotion. Although, considering that she’d been expecting a heartfelt declaration of love, she wasn’t sure if she was insulted or relieved that he was only thinking about work.

“Wait, you’re going to be the new district attorney? Not, they offered you the job or you’re thinking about it, but you’re going to be.” She sat back in her seat, the champagne turning a little sour in her stomach. Scott wouldn’t meet her eyes and without a word she knew. “You’ve already accepted it, haven’t you?”

He finally lifted his eyes to hers. “Well, yes. This is my dream job! It’s a huge step up for me.”

“It’s in Atlanta. It’s a big move,” Penny added.

“I know. I do know that.” Scott looked contrite. “I want to marry you, Penny. Let’s be crazy and just do it. I know it’s a big move, but coming from a military family I figured you’d be up for the challenge. We make a great team.”

Hearing her own thoughts echoed back to her was like a glass of ice water to the face. She smiled automatically, but it felt like it was pasted on her face. It must have looked normal though, because Scott’s shoulders dropped and he let out a sudden breath, his easy smile back in place.

Despite their many conversations about family and her experiences growing up, it hadn’t occurred to him that she might not want to move. Or worse, it had occurred to him and he hadn’t cared. In essence, he hadn’t said would you consider moving to Atlanta with me at all. It was I’m moving to Atlanta with or without you.

How was it possible to spend so much time with someone and not have them see you at all? She was one more box to check off on his list of things to take care of before the move. She might as well have been a piece of furniture he was deciding whether to take with him or put into storage.

What to toss and what to keep.

“You’re right, Scott. These past few years we’ve been a great team.” She let out a breath and took another gulp of her champagne. “Just not so much a great couple.”

The waitress came back then. “Would you like to see our dessert menu?”

Scott held up a hand. “No, we need a few—”

“Actually, could you bring a box for these crab cakes, please? They’re too good to waste. I’ll also have the double-decker chocolate cake.” She looked over at Scott before turning back to the waitress. “I’ll have that to go, please.”


THE NEXT MORNING, Penny woke up feeling like a tiny man was playing the drums behind her eyelids. She also had a serious case of dry mouth. She rolled her tongue around experimentally and opened her mouth gingerly. She caught a whiff of her breath and it was so bad it made her eyes water.

“Ugh. You know it’s bad when you’re grossed out by your own morning breath.”

That was what she deserved after finishing the entire bottle of champagne at dinner last night. Scott had just watched, quietly, as she’d poured herself glass after glass. She’d never been much of a drinker, but she didn’t think he had room to judge her after his half-assed proposal.

After he’d dropped her off at home, she’d closed the door in his face, put her food in the refrigerator, and gone straight to bed. She had barely managed to get her dress and bra off before she passed out.

She walked down the stairs and stumbled through the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. Her phone rang and she grabbed it from her bag, which she’d dropped in the middle of the living room floor. She had several missed calls from Scott and one from Georgia.

She wasn’t ready to face Scott for sure or Georgia and all her questions about the proposal. Her friend was going to be expecting something romantic and exciting. All she had was a halfhearted “let’s go be crazy and do it.” Which he hadn’t even mentioned until after his big news about the job in Atlanta.

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