Penny stilled and then allowed him to pull her into another hug. “Of course. It’s our anniversary. How could I forget?” She bit her lip at his knowing chuckle.

“It’s okay if you forgot. I know you’ve been busy.”

She let out a relieved breath. “I’ve been working too hard. It’ll be nice for us to have a relaxing evening. So, where are we going?”

“Uh uh. No questions. It’s a surprise. I have an entire romantic evening planned.”

Penny wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Scott generally had a very different idea of what was “romantic” than she did. The door to the waiting room swung open and another patient entered, which reminded Penny where they were.

“I bet. Okay, I have to run because my next patient is waiting. Where should I meet you?”

“I’ll pick you up on Saturday. All you have to do is show up and look beautiful. It’s going to be a night to remember.”

She glanced behind her. Matt leaned casually against the counter, staring at his feet. He wasn’t looking at her, but she had a feeling he was listening intently to their conversation. Just then he looked up, his black eyes fixed on hers. Her breath seized in her throat and heat rushed to her cheeks.

She wanted him, she realized with a faint sense of horror. Wanted his intense eyes on her, his muscled body over hers. He was going to be her patient and she was hot for him. Worse, judging by the faint smile on his face, he knew it.

She whirled around to face Scott. “Yes, okay. I’ll see you then.”

Scott kissed her again and then walked out, flicking one last uncertain glance in Matt’s direction.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Matt pushed off the wall and walked toward her. “So, you never answered my question. Is he your boyfriend?”

Penny shrugged. “I don’t see how that’s relevant. Why are you here? I think we can both agree we aren’t a good fit.”

“All we agree on was that I acted like an asshole. I’m sorry.”

It wasn’t the most eloquent apology, but she had no doubt it was sincere.

“I understand. That still doesn’t mean that we should work together. I’ve only had a few military patients. Most of the people who come to me are athletes or here after an accident. You have some emotional issues, understandably, that I’m not sure how to deal with. I have no problem admitting that I’m not quite sure what to do with you.”

“Do whatever you have to do. I promise I’ll behave.” Matt spread his hands. “I’m putting myself at your mercy.”

It was tempting to turn around and walk away. He was just too much. Too volatile, too arrogant and definitely too handsome for her peace of mind. The easy decision would be to turn him down. Then she could write this whole thing off and get back to her safe, ordered existence.

But in the end, it came down to the same factors she always used to make her decisions. She believed he wanted to get better. And she believed she had the tools to help him.

“Okay. I’ll help you. But be warned, I’m a pretty tough taskmaster. Come on back, Sergeant. We might as well figure out your treatment schedule.”

“We’re back to being formal already? Do I need to remind you of the time I caught that snake and hid it in your backpack?” He stood close enough that she could feel the heat coming off his big body. “I thought we’d already established that you would call me Matt.”

“Right. Sorry.”

“Well? Let me hear it.” He leaned over until Penny could see the flecks of gold in his brown eyes. “Go ahead, Penny. Say my name.”

“Matt,” she whispered.

His eyes lit with triumph.

Penny gulped as the circus troupe in her stomach started performing again. The only thing they’d established was that Sergeant Simmons made her feel everything her boyfriend didn’t.

*   *   *   *   *

MATT FOLLOWED THE soft sway of Penny’s hips as she led him down the hall to a room. There was a long table covered in the thin paper sheeting hospitals and doctors’ offices used to protect plastic seats. She excused herself for a moment and then came back holding a file.

“I’ve been reading up on you. I want to take a look and see where you’re having difficulty. Then I can devise a treatment plan.” She motioned toward the patient bench with her hand and he hopped up on the table, the paper crinkling beneath his legs.

“Can you unbutton your shirt, please? I want to take a look at your scar.” Penny issued the order and followed with a stern look when his lips curled up at the edges.

“Sure thing.” It took everything in Matt not to make a dirty comment, but he was already on thin ice with her, so he clamped his lips shut and unbuttoned his shirt. When he was done, Penny lifted his left arm gently, then touched the thin scar beneath his collarbone. She led him through a series of movements, noting his responses. She didn’t touch him any more than was necessary.

Oh yeah, he noted with satisfaction. She was feeling it, too.

After a few minutes, she walked back over to her desk. “It looks like your surgery to repair the glenoid labrum was successful, but yet you haven’t fully healed.”

Matt nodded even though he had no idea what she meant. “I’m up shit creek, huh?”

Penny shot him a tight grin. “I didn’t say that. I can help you. Despite what you seem to think of my profession, I’m determined to use my 'little exercises' to help you build stability in the ligaments and muscles surrounding the injured area. I believe we can get you enough strength to compensate for the weak areas so they can heal. You can button your shirt now.” Copyright 2016 - 2024