“It doesn’t feel great, but I think I’ll be fine.”

“Take a few days off, Delaney. You’ve had a hard time, it’s been full on. Let Kyle take over until you’re ready to go at the end of the week. Spend time with your family.”

“I’m okay, Nak, really I am.”

“It’s not an option, Laney,” he says gently. “Take the time off.”

“He’s right,” Jax says, kneeling beside Nak. “Take it off, recover.”

I meet his eyes and my heart aches. I don’t want to take it off, I just want to keep doing my job. It makes me feel weak to have days off over a black eye.

“I’m honestly fine, it’s just a black eye and—”

“It’s not just a black eye, Delaney,” Nak says, his voice firm. “You’ve had a drive-by shooting this week and now this. Most of my men don’t deal with that much in a week. It’s a lot to process. You deserve a few days off. You’ve barely seen your family and you’ve been working like a madwoman.”

He’s right, I have. I would like to see them.

“Okay,” I say, suddenly exhausted.

“I’ll call Kyle in now, he can escort Jax back to his apartment. I’ll take you home.”

“If you don’t mind, Nak,” Jax says. “I’d like to make sure she gets home safely. Kyle can drop her off on the way.”

Nak nods. “Understandable. Are you good with that, Delaney?”

I nod and he helps me up. Jax wraps an arm around my waist and we’re escorted out. Fifteen minutes later, Kyle arrives and we get into Jax’s car. I wave to Nak weakly and he gives Kyle a list of instructions. When we’re on the road, my body slumps and I can’t help it, I lean into Jax. He doesn’t put his arm around me, probably because Kyle is in the car, but he strokes a finger over my hand, letting me know it’s okay.

When we arrive at my apartment, Kyle gets out first and does the usual checks while we wait in the secure underground car park. When it’s all clear, he leads Jax and me up to my apartment at Jax’s request. I know he doesn’t like it, because his jaw is tight, but he allows it. When we reach my door, Kyle goes in first and checks to make sure it’s safe, then we all enter.

“Give me an hour with her, Kyle,” Jax orders, not looking at Kyle. “It’s better if you wait by the door.”

“Why do I need to wait at the door? You shouldn’t be doing anything that requires an hour. Is there something going on between you two? Because that’s against the rules!”

Jax stiffens and turns so sharply Kyle takes a step back. He stalks over and gets in his face. “Listen to me, and listen good. That woman got two hits to the face tonight, by a man twice her size. You might be a piece of shit willing to leave her here, but I am not. Until I know she’s okay, and not injured severely after doing her job and protecting me, then I won’t be leaving. If you want me to leave a complaint with Nak, argue again.”

Kyle flinches and his face pinches, but he spins and stalks towards the door, growling, “One fucking hour.”

When he’s out of sight, Jax wraps an arm around my waist and we walk to my room. I sit on my bed and he kneels before me, taking my foot and sliding my heel off, then he does the same with the other. I say nothing, I just watch his hands gliding over my feet. When my heels are off, his fingers graze the skin of my foot and I shiver.

Our eyes meet and the tension is thick again.

I swallow and say, “You have a bloody lip. Let me get something for that.”

“No.” His voice is a low rasp. “You’ve done enough for me, just sit and let me check your cheek and eye.”

I don’t argue, I just sit and watch as he moves around my room, finding a washcloth. He dampens it in the bathroom and returns a moment later, kneeling in front of me. He takes my face and his eyes grow concerned as he gently presses the cool cloth against my flesh. “This is going to fucking hurt tonight, and especially tomorrow. Have you got good pain medication?”

“My aunt lives just next door, she will have some.”

He nods and stands.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Going next door to get some.”

“What, no!”

I stand up and my head pounds. I press a hand to my forehead and Jax turns, walking over and pressing his hands to my shoulders, pushing me gently down. “Don’t argue with me, kitten. I’m doing this, like it or not.”

Then he turns again before I can protest and leaves the room. I groan and put my head in my hands, waiting for it. Aunt Bett won’t take the news of me being hurt well, and any moment now she’ll burst through my doors, demanding answers.

I’m right. Ten minutes later, I hear her voice.

“Where is she?”

A moment later, her small frame appears in my bedroom doorway and her face drops. “Oh my poor girl, my poor Laney.”

She rushes in and sits beside me, taking my face in her hands.

“I’m okay, Aunt Bett, honestly.”

“Your face is swollen!” she cries.

“It looks worse than it feels,” I say.

I’m such a liar.

“Don’t you lie to me, young lady,” she says and I smile.

“Okay, Aunt Bett.”

“Come, come, let me help you out into the dining room. I bet you haven’t had a decent meal in weeks. Let me prepare something, get you all warmed up and ready for bed.”

“It’s okay, truly.”

“No arguments. Your friend can stay, Kyle too.”

I smile at the idea of her using the term friend to describe what Jax is to me. I don’t say anything, though, and let her lead me out into the dining room where Jax is standing in the kitchen, preparing painkillers for me. He turns when he sees us enter, and his eyes flick to mine. So much hides beneath those depths, I want to rush over and tuck myself into his arms, but we both know I can’t do that.

I glance at Kyle, who is standing at the front door, watching me too. I give him a nod of my head and let Aunt Bett lead me to the table. She sits me down and then faces the room in general, mostly Jax. “I’m making soup, you two will stay and eat it.”

No argument there.

“Sorry, Bett,” Kyle says. “But I have to get Mr. Shields home.”

“I have nowhere to be,” Jax says, giving Kyle a look.

“But—” Kyle starts, but Aunt Bett throws her hands up.

“It’s settled, Kyle. Stop arguing and relax.”

Kyle mutters something, but he knows he has no choice. If Jax wanted to stay here all night there’s nothing he can do about it. Aunt Bett tries to get him away from the door, but he stands there, sulking. God, he’s such a child when he wants to be.

“Can I help you with anything, Bett?” Jax asks and my mouth drops open.

First-name basis? Seriously?

“No.” Aunt Bett shoos him away. “You just sit, my dear, and make sure Laney doesn’t do anything crazy.”

“Aunt Bett!” I scoff. “I’m hardly going to do anything crazy.”

She gives me a look and then puts her hands on her hips. “Do you remember the time you broke your leg?”

I groan and put my head down. “No, Aunt Bett, please don’t.”

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