“If you wish to discriminate against me, do it on your own time, sir. Right now, I am going to make sure you’re protected,” I say in a stiff voice. “Now release me, before I make you.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Jax says gruffly, and that sends an odd shiver right through my spine.

I stare into his eyes. “I believe I’ve already tried, and won.”

His jaw tics.

I jerk my wrist free and climb out of the car before he can get another word in.


I hold my head high and keep my expression blank as I enter the hotel. I scan the streets before pushing the door open and entering. I keep my eye on every single person, including the receptionist who points me towards the meeting room when I show her my identification. I walk carefully down the halls until I reach a door at the end of the first floor, right near the elevator.

I push the door open and step inside. There are five men sitting around the table and I instantly freeze. I’ve not thought of the fact that other people would be here, I mean of course they would, it’s a damned meeting. I quickly clear my expression as best I can and give a curt nod, introducing myself.

“My name is Delaney. I’m Mr. Shields’ security.”

They nod, some of them giving me long looks, suspicious even. They’re no doubt wondering why Jaxson needs security. When they all turn away, I wonder what my next move is. Am I supposed to ask them if they’re carrying weapons? I mean what if one of them is, and they take a shot? My heart pounds and I quickly step out of the room, taking a deep breath. I decide to call in to Kyle. I lift my radio and press the button.

“I’ve checked the area and all seems clear. I’m in the meeting room, there are five men. What is the protocol when it comes to them? Over.”

Kyle replies immediately. “You need to ask them to lift their jackets, you won’t miss a gun. Ask them to turn, look to make sure there are no specific bulges that don’t look right. Radio in when you’re done. Over and out.”

I take a deep shaky breath. Great, I now have to go in there and ask every one of them to lift their jackets. I push the door open and step back inside, squaring my shoulders and using my loudest voice to call, “Gentlemen, if you would be so kind, please stand and remove your jackets, so I can be assured you have no weapons.”

They stand, as if this is something they’ve done before. One speaks, however. He’s older than the rest in the group, with wispy grey hair and angry brown eyes. He’s tall and super lean. “What’s the little bastard done now?”

I don’t answer, even though I’m shocked he would speak about Jax like that, and he shoots me a look.

“Did he knock one of his whores up and now she’s after revenge?”

I grind my jaw. What a pig—he has no right to speak about another person that way, even if he doesn’t like Jax.

“Or maybe he’s been up to no good in the criminal world and it backfired?”

He stares at me expectantly, but I simply remain quiet even though I want to go over and punch him right in the nose.

“Let me guess, you’re not allowed to tell us why you’re asking us to strip down.”

“No disrespect, sir,” I say through clenched teeth. “But I’m simply asking you to remove your jacket.”

He grunts at me and the other four men in the room drop their jackets on the table. Finally, he does too. I go around, feeling their jackets and then giving them a once-over with my eyes. None of them are packing, at least, they aren’t packing in the usual places. I’m sure if one of them has a gun squeezed between their butt cheeks, we’ll know well before they manage to get it out.

“Thank you all for your cooperation. Mr. Shields will be right with you.”

Ten minutes later, Jax successfully and safely joins his meeting.

Maybe this is going to work out after all.

*   *   *

I’m busy drowning in my own thoughts when the meeting door opens and Jax steps out. I jerk and turn, hating that he caught me off guard. Already I’m not as alert as I should be. Jax turns his angry grey eyes to me and then flicks them from left to right. “Where’s Kyle?”

“He had to go assist another team member.”

Jax’s jaw tightens. “So now I’m left with you? Are they fucking serious?”

I want to reach over and strangle him, but I don’t. I understand his frustration, I really do. He probably feels unsafe with a woman protecting him. My protector role goes against everything he’s been taught to believe about men and women.

“I assure you that you will be safe with me, Jaxson. I’ve been trained extensively for this.”

He looks to me, and then sighs. “I have to use the bathroom.”

Oh god. Seriously?

I had never thought of bathroom breaks. Of course the man has to relieve himself, which means I have to go and scan the space before he can go in.

“Let’s go then,” I say, my cheeks heating.

Jax notices and his eyebrows shoot up. “Scared of men’s bathrooms, are you, kitten?”

He did not just call me kitten.

“Please don’t ever call me that again, and no, I’m not scared. If you’ll follow me…”

I turn and when Jax steps in front of me I walk slightly behind him until we reach the restroom. I push the door open and then gasp and scrunch my nose up. “Good lord, what the hell!”

Jax steps in beside me and makes a choking sound. The smell in this room is so bad, I want to vomit but I’m too scared to, because that would mean I have to go towards the toilets and that is never going to happen.

“What do you men do in here? Kill animals and let them decay? Sweet Jesus,” I cry out, holding my nose as I walk to each stall and push the door open to make sure no danger lurks for Jax.

“Fuck me,” Jax grunts. “That’s wrong.”

“Ugh, I’m waiting by the door.”

I walk towards the door and Jax looks over to me. “Scared you might see something you like?”

My eyebrows shoot up. “In a smelly bathroom? I don’t think so. It kind of ruins the mood, wouldn’t you say?”

His eyes scan my face. “You’re supposed to protect me, if you go outside then you’re not doing that.”

Jerk is testing me.

“Don’t be difficult, Jaxson. You know I can wait outside.”

“And someone could come through the window,” he says, pointing to the large window.

“And I could run back in,” I point out.

He’s teasing now. Damn him.

“They could shoot me while you’re out there.”

He takes his pants and starts unzipping them. His hand moving slowly, almost sexually. His eyes are on mine and he knows exactly what he’s doing. My cheeks burn and I squeak, “You’ll be fine, off you go.”

“You’re not afraid of me, are you, kitten?”

“Afraid?” I snort. “I’ve seen more penises than I can count, thank you very much.”

Oh God. That did not sound good, not at all.

“I mean,” I stammer. “I work with men so I’ve seen penis, I mean…”

God, someone shut me up.

“I mean there’s locker rooms, and I’ve been in them, and seen … penis,” I squeak.

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