He kisses me softly, then steps back. “I’m going away for a meeting, just one night. When I get back, I’m taking you out to lunch. No fucking thing is going to stand in my way of getting what I want now.”

My heart explodes and more tears burst forth.

Jax studies them, then our eyes meet and hold for the longest, most intense moment.

“Wait for me, kitten.”

With that, he walks out, Duke following close behind.

I’ll wait.

I’ll always wait.


“This place is beautiful,” I say, staring at the cozy booths tucked neatly inside the Italian restaurant.

Jax managed to get an afternoon off for lunch when he got back from his meeting, and even though Devon is escorting him, I’m grateful I get to spend some time with him after everything that went down. He said he invited Red, because he wants me to meet him. I’m happy about this, because I’ve heard so much about his best friend, and I want to apologize for our first encounter.

“They make amazing food,” Jax says, sliding in beside me in the booth we’re escorted to.

Devon stands far enough away that he can’t hear our conversation, but he can still see Jax. It’s awkward, being here and having him trailing us. When Jax picked me up, Devon and I muttered words at each other, and it felt so much like we were strangers. I like Devon, I know he respects me, but because of everything that’s happened, there’s serious tension between us all. It’s going to take a while for that to disappear.


Jax and I both look up to see Red appear with Tori by his side. I flinch, wanting to scream in outrage. What the hell is she doing here? Jax said it was Red, not Tori and Red. I look to him and by the expression on his face, he wasn’t expecting Tori either. I want to bury my face in my hands and scream, because this isn’t how this is meant to go. Jax and I just seem to be unable to function correctly. It almost seems like things are never going to go smoothly.

“Red,” Jax says, standing and shaking Red’s hand. “You brought Tori?”

Tori glares at Jax, and clearly the air is still stiff between them, too. Magic. This’ll make for an amazing time.

“She wanted to come,” Red grunts, flashing his eyes to me. “Hey.”

I swallow and force a smile. “Hey, Red, nice to see you.”

He nods, and I just want to shrivel up and scream. Nothing feels right about this situation. Tori and Red sit down, and Jax reaches under the table, taking my hand and squeezing. It’s reassuring. I guess this isn’t really a date, but it’s still the first time Jax and I have been out, where we don’t need to hide. The last thing I need, or want, is for Tori to be staring daggers across the table at me. Which she is currently doing.

“So, Delaney,” Red says. “We didn’t get off to a great start last time. Sorry about that.”

“I could say the same,” I say, trying to smile. “I’m sorry … it was my first day.”

Red smiles, but Tori keeps on glaring at me.

“I thought bodyguards were supposed to be men?” she says in a snotty tone.

“Well, that just shows how much of the world you’ve missed,” I say politely.

She scowls at me and Jax squeezes my hand again.

“So, Red, what’s been happening?” he asks, trying to break the tension.

“Not a lot, buddy. I’ve been looking for work. I want to move back this way.”

“What do you do?” I ask.

“I’m looking to get into the police force.”

I smile. “That’s awesome, are you having any luck?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, not unless I’m willing to give up my job back home and train here, but that’s a big loss in income.”

I nod. “Yeah, I get that.”

“I’ve got plenty of rooms,” Jax says. “You can stay in any one of them while you’re doing that. You know I wouldn’t hesitate.”

Red grins at his friend and I relax a little.

“How long have you guys known each other?” I ask.

“Most of our lives.” Red smirks at Jax. “This fucker just can’t seem to let me go.”

Three of us laugh and Tori just crosses her arms. She’s clearly still got a massive problem with me, and isn’t willing to let it go.

“Tori, Red and I have known each other a long time,” Jax says, even though I already know that.

“Yes,” Tori says. “We know everything about each other, which is more than you can say, considering you hardly know him.”

“Tori!” Red snaps. “Stop it.”

“Why?” Tori mutters. “She doesn’t know him. She’s just trying to get her claws into him…”

I flinch and turn to her. Jax squeezes my hand again but I’ve had enough. “Obviously you’ve got a problem with me, Tori, and yet you know nothing about me. All that tells me is you’re jealous.”

“Jealous?” she snaps. “Why the hell would I be jealous?”

“Because you wish it was you sitting on this side of the table.”

Red jerks, and I can see it in his face that he is fully aware of Tori’s feelings towards Jax. I wonder how that makes him feel, because I know he cares about her. What I don’t understand is why. Tori seems snappy, and rude, but I figure I’m missing something because Red obviously cares about her, and there has to be something there worth caring about. Right?

“Jax and I have sorted all of that out,” she says, her face going red. “Keep out of it.”

“If you’ve sorted it out, then tell me why the hell you’re so against me? I hurt you and for that I’m sorry, but I’ve done nothing else to you to deserve this kind of hatred.”

“You broke my nose!” she snaps.

“Jesus, Tor, let it go already,” Jax barks.

People who are eating, stop and stare at us. Great, this is just great. What an amazing lunch.

“Tori, enough,” Red hisses. “This is only going to cause problems in our friendship. Is that what you really want?”

“What I want,” she yells, “is for her to get lost. She’s not part of this. She doesn’t know Jax. She is just in the damned way.”

“I know him better than you think,” I snap. “And I’m not going to sit here any longer and let you speak to me like this. If you’ve got a problem with me, Tori, that’s fine, but nothing you can say will make me change my mind about this incredible man sitting beside me.” I stand and lean over the table. “Nor will it keep me from fighting to be with him. So give up.”

I step out from the table and turn, muttering, “I’m using the bathroom.”

I walk past and Devon reaches out, grabbing my arm. “That was intense,” he says.

I stop walking and stare at him. “My whole damned life is intense right now,” I say, my voice cracking.

Devon’s eyes grow soft. “You made a mistake, Delaney, but you can fix it. It’s going to take time, though.”

“I screwed my boss’ trust, I got suspended, Jax is in danger and I can’t even have a meal out with him. It seems nothing can be fixed.”

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