“Not all of us have the luxury of being able to afford that,” I throw back, still staring out the window.

He snorts.

Jax says nothing, he’s just squashed between us, and occasionally I feel his hand graze across my leg in a spot Kyle can’t see. I shiver each time he does it, but keep my face turned towards the window. We ride in the cab for about twenty minutes, and then arrive at a massive Elite hotel.

I thought the one in Denver was huge, but this one, holy shit, it’s twice the size. I gape up at it as we climb out of the cab. It’s at least double the height and way fancier. It’s more modern, with a sleek grey outside, and a pristine sign at the front doors that you walk up to on a massive pair of curved stairs. We enter the hotel, and I gasp at the beauty. There are water features, sleek black and grey tiles, leather furniture and one hell of a reception desk.

“Oh God, Jax,” I breathe. “It’s amazing.”

“Mr. Shields,” a man says, approaching Jax. “Welcome back, how was your flight?”

I glance at the man’s shirt and see it says MANAGER. He must be the man in charge of this hotel. Jax shakes his hand. “It was good, thanks, Timothy. This is my security while I’m here, Delaney and Kyle. You will give them full access to the hotel.”

Timothy nods and stares at us. I can see the confused look in his eyes, and I have no doubt he’s wondering why Jax needs security.

“Of course, sir,” he says. “I have your room ready, I trust you will want to settle in for the evening.”

“Yes, thanks.”

Timothy disappears, throwing orders at the receptionists. While he’s doing this, Kyle and I do a basic sweep of the hotel, even though the security should be top of the line. It seems clear. A moment later he returns with two keys. I glance down at them, then back to Jax. He takes them from Timothy and turns, thrusting one at Kyle. “Delaney can take the first shift.”

Kyle grunts at him, snatching the key from his hands. Then we all follow Timothy as he makes his way over to the elevator. There’s a man, dressed in a crisp suit, who asks for our floor number. Then he escorts us all the way to the top of the hotel, where Jax’s penthouse suite is situated. Kyle is on the floor below.

We drop Kyle off on his floor and he tells me he’ll take from midnight on. I nod and he disappears, then we keep going up until we come out into a small hall, with only one door on the entire floor. Timothy unlocks the door and we step in. I gasp at the sheer size of the room, and my heart pounds as I enter it, moving my shaky legs to inspect the incredible room before Jax enters.

It has shiny wooden floors and warm cream walls, with dull lighting that gives it a comfortable yet elegant feel. The windows in the living area are wide, running from one side of the room to the other and a view of New York City can be seen, the bright lights filling the amazing space. The furniture is sleek and grey, and the lounge sits atop a plush black rug.

I move to the bedroom and my mouth continues to hang open as I take in a giant king-sized bed by the floor-to-ceiling windows, which are the same as the ones in the living area, only these have big pull-down blinds. There’s a spa, no kidding, sitting right on the edge of the window line, so when you’re in it, you can glance out at the city. My heart pounds as I move through, so impressed I can hardly breathe. It’s spectacular, there’s no other word for it.

I finish up my check of the space and then return to Jax and Timothy who are speaking amongst themselves. I stop beside them, not interrupting, and when they’re done, they shake hands and Timothy exits the room. I turn to Jax, my eyes wide, and shriek, “Holy shit, this is amazing.”

He grins and then leans down, hooking me around the waist and launching me up into his arms. “I’m about to make it even more amazing.”

“I have to check the door is locked,” I murmur as his lips slide down my jaw.

“It’s an automatic lock.”

“I should be by that door, Jax,” I breathe as he walks me towards the bed. “In case someone threatens the elevator man and he sends them up.”

“Baby, it’s a high security establishment, trust me, that won’t happen.”

“Jax,” I protest weakly.

“I’ve got a short time before I have to pretend like I don’t want to put my hands all over you, let me have it.”

I don’t say any more, because he crushes his lips against mine and all fight leaves my body. He walks us to the massive bed and drops my body down, bringing his mouth over mine. His lips are slow and sensual, running down my jaw, over my neck and stopping at my shoulders where he nips lightly. I whimper and arch up, pushing my breasts into his chest.

He makes a low grunting sound and makes light work of my uniform, tossing it to the ground. Then his lips are closing over my nipples, sucking long and deep, as my fingers run up and under his shirt, feeling his rippled body. He groans and I whimper as he sucks my nipples into hard peaks, before flicking them with his tongue.

“Jax,” I breathe.

“Fuck, baby, yes.”

He slides his body down, pressing his mouth to my belly and causing little shivers to break out over my skin. He kisses a path, swirling his tongue around my belly button and then dipping to my hips, sucking and nibbling on each, making my sex clench with anticipation of his tongue.

“Jax,” I whine, thrusting my hips upwards.

“Patience, kitten.”

“Fuck patience,” I moan.

He chuckles and kisses a path down my thighs, before slowly, excruciatingly, sliding back up. His hot breath passes over my aching flesh, and I gasp at the sensations that shoot through me. He inhales and hisses a curse, before finally pressing his mouth over my exposed sex. I cry out, thrusting frantically up towards his mouth, wanting more of the amazing pleasure he just gave my body with one small touch of his mouth.

He groans against my pussy and the vibrations tear through my body, making it feel that much better. Then finally he parts my folds and thrusts his tongue in, making contact with my clit. I moan, low and throaty, and my fingers curl into the sheets as he feasts, devouring my pussy like it’s his last meal.

I come shamefully fast, and I’m okay with that. My body explodes in pleasure and I jerk so much he has to use his hands to hold my hips down. He licks and sucks until every last shudder has left me, then he slowly stands, staring at me, a strain in his pants that lets me know he likes that almost as much as I did.

He grabs his tie, unfastening it and jerking it from around his neck. Then he drops his jacket. I watch, body full of lust, as he unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off to reveal that perfect skin stretched over rock hard muscles. Those muscles flex as he leans down, removing his pants, letting his cock spring free. Holy hell, it’s a nice cock. I was drunk the other night, but seeing it now only makes me long for it once more.

“You have a beautiful dick,” I rasp, staring at it.

He curls his hand around it, stroking softly as he comes towards me, kneeling on the bed. “You have a beautiful pussy.”

I smile as I watch his big body come over mine. I open my legs willingly, feeling his cock press against me. “I didn’t pick you as a missionary kind of guy,” I tease, running my finger down his chest.

“You rode me,” he murmurs, pressing his cock in just enough for my pussy to burn pleasantly. “Now I’m going to ride you.”

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