“Morning, Jeddy,” I croon, zipping my boot.

“Don’t call me Jeddy, and give me back my milk. I can’t eat my damned Lucky Charms without any milk.”

“How old are you?”

He narrows his eyes.

“Why do you still eat Lucky Charms?” I continue.

“Because they’re magically delicious.”

I laugh. “I’ll pretend I never heard you say that. Besides, I thought you were all healthy eating?”

“I am,” he grunts. “But breakfast is my treat. Every morning. Don’t judge me, just give me the milk.”

“Can’t,” I say, standing and stomping my feet farther into my boots. “I used it all.”

“Jesus, Laney, you’re such a little thief.”

I waggle a finger at him. “It wasn’t stealing; it was borrowing.”

He picks my half-empty coffee cup off the counter. “Then I’m borrowing your coffee.” He lifts it to his mouth and drains the cup.

After he’s finished, I say, “Joke’s on you because I just hocked a big loogie in that cup.”

He looks equal parts skeptical and disgusted.

I burst into laughter.

“I’m going to work. Later, handsome.”

“You wouldn’t really do that … would you?” he mutters as I walk out the door on my way to work.

Maybe today I’ll be given a case of my own.

Just maybe.


The office of Thorpe Security is located downtown. It takes me about twenty minutes through traffic to get to work. The building is actually quite massive and well established, the best security in the area. We’ve always got jobs, and my boss, Nahko or Nak for short, is forever scheduling in advance. He has a good reputation for his business and he prides himself on keeping it that way.

I park my black pickup in a free space and climb out, rushing toward the elevator. I get in and head to the third floor, which is where our offices are located. As I move up, I turn and check out my reflection in the mirror.

These jeans I’m wearing accentuate my long legs, and the boots I’ve paired them with make me look taller than I already am. I’m not chunky tall, or slim tall, I’m a little of both. I suppose you could call me athletically curvy. I have rounded hips, not too much but enough that men stop and stare. My legs are lean and my waist is narrow. I’m busty, with good-sized breasts, so they kind of even me out a little. My shoulders are quite narrow, which is odd for my size. Most women my size are broad shouldered. I guess I got lucky.

My hair, which is a natural platinum blond, flows down past my shoulders and halfway down my back. It has a natural curl and can be painstakingly unruly. My eyes are an odd shade of green because they have a yellow swirl ring around the middle. I can’t really call them hazel, nor can I say they’re just plain green.

The ding of the elevator has me turning and facing the doors. They slide open and I step out into the vast space. I’m greeted every day with black-and-white-checked tiles spreading out over a massive lobby. There’s a huge light wood reception desk sitting beneath a sign spelling out the company name. A gorgeous redhead sits behind the counter—her name is Brandy.

I walk towards her, flashing a smile as I take a left towards the line of offices. If our jobs were purely about protecting someone and never filing paperwork, we’d never need an office, but sadly when we’re not protecting, we’re here. Mine is the second on the left, I’m right next to Kyle and directly across from Nahko. The other bodyguards in our team take up the rest—in total there’s twenty-two of us. It seems like a lot, but it isn’t. Not when crime is on the rise and more and more people need assistance.

“Morning, Laney,” Duke calls from his office.

I look over at the well-built, tall black man and smile. Duke was one of the first to believe I had what it took to be a bodyguard. The rest took a lot more convincing.

“Morning, Duke,” I call back. “How are you?”

“Busy, girl. Nak is waiting for you downstairs.”


I walk into my office, dump my things and then walk back out to the elevator that takes me down to the training center on the first floor. It’s a massive open area that we train in at least four times a week. It’s not just endurance training, but martial arts and self-defense.

I enter the space, with its polished wooden floors and obstacle courses as far as the eye can see. My eyes go to Nak and Kyle, who are on the big ropes hanging from the ceiling, twisting their big bodies around and around, as if they weigh nothing. The two are in so much competition it’s just a big old bundle of male testosterone in here.

“Keep at it, boys,” I call. “Kyle, if you try any harder you’re going to bust a valve.”

“Fuck you, Laney,” he barks, his massive muscles flexing as he jerks his body up the ropes.

“Morning, boss,” I yell at Nahko.

“Laney,” he gasps through his pulling.

I stare at him. My boss is a powerful man, both in looks and strength. I guess he has to be to make the right impression on new clients. He can’t be fat and bald, sitting at his desk. He needs to be able to show the true power behind his team of men by being able to do what they do. He’s Native American and can shrivel you with one angry stare when he’s in a mood.

His eyes are dark brown, but they pretty much look black. His hair, which he keeps long, is always braided down his back. He stands at over six feet and is built like a bear. He doesn’t have a single tattoo on his body, but he doesn’t need them. My boss is bad ass. He also won’t let me on a case until I take either him or Kyle down.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe I can do it, but it’s just a ritual everyone has to go through before being given a massive case. I guess in Nak’s mind he believes if we have the strength, skill and determination to take him down, then we’re going to do the same with every problem we encounter. Everyone else had to do it, so I suppose it’s only fair I do, too.

“I’m up for the challenge of taking you down while you’re weak and fragile, Nak,” I call.

Nak makes it to the top of the rope and then lets go, hitting the floor on both of his feet. Of course, he made it look as graceful as a cat. I take it back; Nahko is never fragile and weak. His eyes flash as he grins, big and broad, showing beautiful white teeth beneath his stunning bronze skin.

“That a challenge?”

I swallow as he prowls towards me. I straighten my shoulders when he stops, staring down at me, sweat trickling down his forehead, muscles bulging. Jesus, this man is terrifying. No wonder his team is the best. “I think I sprained my ankle,” I squeak.

Nak’s grin gets bigger. “That’ll just mean you have to try harder. Let’s go.”

“Can’t it be Kyle?” I joke. “He’s much more fragile and weak.”

Kyle grunts from the ropes and I flash him a shit-eating grin before following Nak to the training pads. The big man turns to me, arms spread out wide, and says, “Well then, take me down.”

I snort, crossing my arms. “Because all criminals just stand there with their arms out, asking to be tackled to the ground.”

“You want me to challenge you?” He winks. “Very well.”

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