“Delaney,” he tries, but I put a hand up.

“Work, Jax. We’re done talking.”

He curses under his breath, but gets to work.

It’s the first day in weeks that we don’t talk, and it feels strange.


I’m nervous about escorting Jax to his luncheon, but I don’t show it. I do everything I can to ensure his safety. When we arrive at the restaurant, his business associates are standing outside, all chatting. This makes me uneasy, but I scan all our surroundings as Jax talks, looking for anything suspicious. Soon I start to relax.

I’m prepared for anything, but I guess a part of me still hasn’t witnessed anything enough for me to believe that someone would be so reckless as to take a hit at Jax.

I was wrong.

It’s funny, because I am expecting danger, yet when it throws itself upon me I’m shocked that it actually happened.

We’re standing outside, still talking, and my eyes are scanning the streets when I notice an old grey car. It’s not exactly doing anything suspicious, but it’s driven past four times. Slowly. I can’t see in the windows, but something about it makes me uneasy. I watch it go up the street and then turn around and come back.

I have a horrible feeling, and so I step closer to Jax and say, “We should go inside.”

The man standing beside Jax steps aside and Jax is no longer covered by a body. My heart starts to pound and my eyes flick to the car that has gone from driving ridiculously slowly, to suddenly speeding. Trust your instinct. That’s what Nak told me. My instinct is screaming to get Jax out and get him out now.

The window of the car starts rolling down and a man with a covered face leans out, something in his hand. I don’t wait; I spin around so fast I startle the men around me. I launch my body at Jax’s and kick his feet out from beneath him. He goes down and I go with him, our bodies landing hard on the pavement. I didn’t miss the sound as we’re going down, the gunshots.

People erupt in fear, getting up and screaming, running in all directions. Jax is staring up at me, his face blank with shock. I turn my head frantically, looking for the car. I can’t see it, so I push to my feet quickly and pull Jax up with me. He moves quickly, and I cover him as we run into the restaurant. I see a waitress and stop her.

“Is there a room here that locks? He’s in danger, those people were shooting at him.”

She nods. “Right this way.”

I’m still holding onto Jax’s hand as I rush towards the room. It’s a small office, and it’s only got a high window, so we aren’t at risk of getting shot through it. I step in and thank the waitress, and then I lock the door and pull out my gun, holding it with shaky hands. “Call Nak,” I demand, my eyes firmly trained on the door.

Jax says nothing.

I look over to him, and he’s just sitting, staring at the wall. God dammit, he’s in shock. I lower the gun and turn, rushing towards him. I squat down in front of him and take hold of his hands. His big body is panting. “Hey,” I say. “Jax, look at me.”

He doesn’t move his eyes.

“Come on, handsome, right here.”

He finally lifts his eyes and blinks a few times. “Fuck.” He breathes, his voice shaky.

“You’re all right, okay? You’re safe and I’m going to get us out of here safely.”

He nods, but his jaw is clenching and unclenching and his breathing is ragged and short.

“Listen to me,” I say, reaching up and cupping his stubble-covered cheeks in my hands. “I’m going to protect you.”

His grey eyes meet mine and he rasps, “You already fucking did.”

I nod.

“They would have shot me if you weren’t…”

“Hey, don’t think about that. I’m going to call Nak, and we’re going to get you home safe, yeah?”

He nods, and looks away.

I pull out my phone and dial Nak.

“Laney, what’s up?”

“Drive-by shooting just occurred downtown. They were aiming for Jax.”

“Fuck, is he okay? You?”

“I got him out of the way before they could cause any damage.”

“Any casualties?”

“Not that I saw, I think the bullets were off because they were speeding past.”

“Good girl, you did a good job. Where are you now?”

“Safe room, doors locked. Can I get some backup to get him out of here?”

“Absolutely, I’m sending Duke down.”

“Thanks, Nak.”

“No problem, and Laney?”


“Excellent work.”

If I wasn’t so freaked, I’d probably smile, but I am freaked. My heart is pounding and I’m trying to keep it together for Jax. I need to keep it together for him. I tuck my phone back in my pocket and face the door, trying to steady my breathing. I’m fairly sure I’m in slight shock, too. My body feels like a thousand tiny ants are crawling all over it.

“Kitten,” Jax rasps. “Come here.”

I shake my head. “I’m fine, Jax. I…”

“Now, Delaney.”

His voice is hard, firm and offers no room to move. I turn and stare at him, and my hands start to tremble.

“Here, now.”

My feet move without me thinking and when I reach him, he pulls me down onto his lap. I don’t protest because my head isn’t in the right spot, it’s all over the place, and my senses are shot. I’m trembling, shaking and my heart is pounding so hard it almost feels painful. I take a few breaths, but they are broken.

“Look at me.”

I turn my body and look into his eyes, our faces are only an inch or so apart. His breathing is still ragged and the puffs of air are warm against my cheek.

“You saved my life.”

I swallow.

“I was wrong, Delaney.”

I nod weakly.

“You’re fucking incredible.”

Oh God.

I look down, trying to control myself. I’m supposed to be cool, calm and collected, not this trembling mess.

“I should wait by the door and—”

“You’re going to stay right here, because fuck knows I need to feel you as much as you need to feel me.”

I look up. “Are you … okay?”

He shakes his head. “Fuck no, but having you right here is making it easier.”

I stare at his mouth and my heart rate gets even more uneven and determined. “If something had happened,” I begin.

He cuts me off. “It didn’t, because you proved everyone wrong and saved my life.”

I nod again, swallowing.

The air becomes thick between us and I shift on his lap, not sure what the hell is happening between us. Jax’s grey eyes hold mine and I can’t help but lick my lips. His eyes flash down to that movement and as if in a romantic movie, he starts moving closer to me. Oh God, he’s going to kiss me, and I want him to. I want him to so badly.

His lips come closer until I can feel a whisper-soft touch against mine. My eyes flutter closed. I want him to kiss me, I want to know how it feels. God, he smells so good. His lips lightly brush across mine but before our lips even get the chance to connect fully, there’s a loud knock at the door. I jerk back, reality crashing back in.

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