"So! You know the young lady's father, Pip?" said Mr. Jaggers.

"Yes," I replied, "and his name is Provis--from New South Wales."

Even Mr. Jaggers started when I said those words. It was the slightest

start that could escape a man, the most carefully repressed and the

sooner checked, but he did start, though he made it a part of the

action of taking out his pocket-handkerchief. How Wemmick received the

announcement I am unable to say; for I was afraid to look at him just

then, lest Mr. Jaggers's sharpness should detect that there had been

some communication unknown to him between us.

"And on what evidence, Pip," asked Mr. Jaggers, very coolly, as he

paused with his handkerchief half way to his nose, "does Provis make

this claim?"

"He does not make it," said I, "and has never made it, and has no

knowledge or belief that his daughter is in existence."

For once, the powerful pocket-handkerchief failed. My reply was so

Unexpected, that Mr. Jaggers put the handkerchief back into his pocket

without completing the usual performance, folded his arms, and looked

with stern attention at me, though with an immovable face.

Then I told him all I knew, and how I knew it; with the one reservation

that I left him to infer that I knew from Miss Havisham what I in fact

knew from Wemmick. I was very careful indeed as to that. Nor did I look

towards Wemmick until I had finished all I had to tell, and had been for

some time silently meeting Mr. Jaggers's look. When I did at last turn

my eyes in Wemmick's direction, I found that he had unposted his pen,

and was intent upon the table before him.

"Hah!" said Mr. Jaggers at last, as he moved towards the papers on the

table. "What item was it you were at, Wemmick, when Mr. Pip came in?"

But I could not submit to be thrown off in that way, and I made a

passionate, almost an indignant appeal, to him to be more frank and

manly with me. I reminded him of the false hopes into which I had

lapsed, the length of time they had lasted, and the discovery I had

made: and I hinted at the danger that weighed upon my spirits. I

represented myself as being surely worthy of some little confidence from

him, in return for the confidence I had just now imparted. I said that

I did not blame him, or suspect him, or mistrust him, but I wanted

assurance of the truth from him. And if he asked me why I wanted it,

and why I thought I had any right to it, I would tell him, little as he

cared for such poor dreams, that I had loved Estella dearly and long,

and that although I had lost her, and must live a bereaved life,

whatever concerned her was still nearer and dearer to me than anything

else in the world. And seeing that Mr. Jaggers stood quite still and

silent, and apparently quite obdurate, under this appeal, I turned to

Wemmick, and said, "Wemmick, I know you to be a man with a gentle

heart. I have seen your pleasant home, and your old father, and all the

innocent, cheerful playful ways with which you refresh your business

life. And I entreat you to say a word for me to Mr. Jaggers, and to

represent to him that, all circumstances considered, he ought to be more

open with me!"

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