As we were thus conversing in a low tone while Old Barley's sustained

growl vibrated in the beam that crossed the ceiling, the room door

opened, and a very pretty, slight, dark-eyed girl of twenty or so came

in with a basket in her hand: whom Herbert tenderly relieved of the

basket, and presented, blushing, as "Clara." She really was a most

charming girl, and might have passed for a captive fairy, whom that

truculent Ogre, Old Barley, had pressed into his service.

"Look here," said Herbert, showing me the basket, with a compassionate

and tender smile, after we had talked a little; "here's poor Clara's

supper, served out every night. Here's her allowance of bread, and

here's her slice of cheese, and here's her rum,--which I drink. This

is Mr. Barley's breakfast for to-morrow, served out to be cooked. Two

mutton-chops, three potatoes, some split peas, a little flour, two

ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, and all this black pepper. It's

stewed up together, and taken hot, and it's a nice thing for the gout, I

should think!"

There was something so natural and winning in Clara's resigned way of

looking at these stores in detail, as Herbert pointed them out; and

something so confiding, loving, and innocent in her modest manner of

yielding herself to Herbert's embracing arm; and something so gentle in

her, so much needing protection on Mill Pond Bank, by Chinks's Basin,

and the Old Green Copper Ropewalk, with Old Barley growling in the

beam,--that I would not have undone the engagement between her and

Herbert for all the money in the pocket-book I had never opened.

I was looking at her with pleasure and admiration, when suddenly the

growl swelled into a roar again, and a frightful bumping noise was heard

above, as if a giant with a wooden leg were trying to bore it through

the ceiling to come at us. Upon this Clara said to Herbert, "Papa wants

me, darling!" and ran away.

"There is an unconscionable old shark for you!" said Herbert. "What do

you suppose he wants now, Handel?"

"I don't know," said I. "Something to drink?"

"That's it!" cried Herbert, as if I had made a guess of extraordinary

merit. "He keeps his grog ready mixed in a little tub on the table.

Wait a moment, and you'll hear Clara lift him up to take some. There

he goes!" Another roar, with a prolonged shake at the end. "Now," said

Herbert, as it was succeeded by silence, "he's drinking. Now," said

Herbert, as the growl resounded in the beam once more, "he's down again

on his back!" Copyright 2016 - 2024