"All right, John, all right," returned the old man, seeing himself

spoken to.

"Only tip him a nod every now and then when he looks off his paper,"

said Wemmick, "and he'll be as happy as a king. We are all attention,

Aged One."

"All right, John, all right!" returned the cheerful old man, so busy and

so pleased, that it really was quite charming.

The Aged's reading reminded me of the classes at Mr. Wopsle's

great-aunt's, with the pleasanter peculiarity that it seemed to come

through a keyhole. As he wanted the candles close to him, and as he was

always on the verge of putting either his head or the newspaper into

them, he required as much watching as a powder-mill. But Wemmick was

equally untiring and gentle in his vigilance, and the Aged read on,

quite unconscious of his many rescues. Whenever he looked at us, we

all expressed the greatest interest and amazement, and nodded until he

resumed again.

As Wemmick and Miss Skiffins sat side by side, and as I sat in a shadowy

corner, I observed a slow and gradual elongation of Mr. Wemmick's mouth,

powerfully suggestive of his slowly and gradually stealing his arm round

Miss Skiffins's waist. In course of time I saw his hand appear on the

other side of Miss Skiffins; but at that moment Miss Skiffins neatly

stopped him with the green glove, unwound his arm again as if it were

an article of dress, and with the greatest deliberation laid it on the

table before her. Miss Skiffins's composure while she did this was one

of the most remarkable sights I have ever seen, and if I could have

thought the act consistent with abstraction of mind, I should have

deemed that Miss Skiffins performed it mechanically.

By and by, I noticed Wemmick's arm beginning to disappear again, and

gradually fading out of view. Shortly afterwards, his mouth began to

widen again. After an interval of suspense on my part that was quite

enthralling and almost painful, I saw his hand appear on the other side

of Miss Skiffins. Instantly, Miss Skiffins stopped it with the neatness

of a placid boxer, took off that girdle or cestus as before, and laid

it on the table. Taking the table to represent the path of virtue, I am

justified in stating that during the whole time of the Aged's reading,

Wemmick's arm was straying from the path of virtue and being recalled to

it by Miss Skiffins.

At last, the Aged read himself into a light slumber. This was the time

for Wemmick to produce a little kettle, a tray of glasses, and a

black bottle with a porcelain-topped cork, representing some clerical

dignitary of a rubicund and social aspect. With the aid of these

appliances we all had something warm to drink, including the Aged, who

was soon awake again. Miss Skiffins mixed, and I observed that she and

Wemmick drank out of one glass. Of course I knew better than to offer to

see Miss Skiffins home, and under the circumstances I thought I had best

go first; which I did, taking a cordial leave of the Aged, and having

passed a pleasant evening.

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