"I think you would always improve, Biddy, under any circumstances."

"Ah! Except in my bad side of human nature," murmured Biddy.

It was not so much a reproach as an irresistible thinking aloud. Well!

I thought I would give up that point too. So, I walked a little further

with Biddy, looking silently at her downcast eyes.

"I have not heard the particulars of my sister's death, Biddy."

"They are very slight, poor thing. She had been in one of her bad

states--though they had got better of late, rather than worse--for four

days, when she came out of it in the evening, just at tea-time, and said

quite plainly, 'Joe.' As she had never said any word for a long while, I

ran and fetched in Mr. Gargery from the forge. She made signs to me that

she wanted him to sit down close to her, and wanted me to put her arms

round his neck. So I put them round his neck, and she laid her head down

on his shoulder quite content and satisfied. And so she presently said

'Joe' again, and once 'Pardon,' and once 'Pip.' And so she never lifted

her head up any more, and it was just an hour later when we laid it down

on her own bed, because we found she was gone."

Biddy cried; the darkening garden, and the lane, and the stars that were

coming out, were blurred in my own sight.

"Nothing was ever discovered, Biddy?"


"Do you know what is become of Orlick?"

"I should think from the color of his clothes that he is working in the


"Of course you have seen him then?--Why are you looking at that dark

tree in the lane?"

"I saw him there, on the night she died."

"That was not the last time either, Biddy?"

"No; I have seen him there, since we have been walking here.--It is of

no use," said Biddy, laying her hand upon my arm, as I was for running

out, "you know I would not deceive you; he was not there a minute, and

he is gone."

It revived my utmost indignation to find that she was still pursued by

this fellow, and I felt inveterate against him. I told her so, and told

her that I would spend any money or take any pains to drive him out of

that country. By degrees she led me into more temperate talk, and she

told me how Joe loved me, and how Joe never complained of anything,--she

didn't say, of me; she had no need; I knew what she meant,--but ever did

his duty in his way of life, with a strong hand, a quiet tongue, and a

gentle heart.

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