'Must be very difficult.'

'Zetta's been marvellous. She never complains about the problem of finding time to be together. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding over the bedroom when you arrived. She left it to me to sort out the upstairs for you. Were you offended?'

'You weren't to know. You did the sensible thing really. If we were in the habit of sleeping together it would have been pointless to have made up both beds.'

'Thanks. Seeing you and him together I can't help being envious. My lad can be quite sweet in his own way, but the scientific names of plants will never come tripping off his tongue like they do off Darren's. You must be very proud of him. He worships you, doesn't he?'

'He means a lot to me. At least you have children of your own. Thanks for letting him have a go with your camera yesterday. I hope he didn't use up all the film.'

'He's welcome to use as much film as he wants. He knew all about shutter speeds and lens apertures already; he's a bright lad. All of that roll of film has to be used this weekend, or it will have to go into the developer's partly blank. My wife would start asking awkward questions if she saw any of the shots taken up here. I'm supposed to be in the Lake District.'

Ten minutes later a call on Vincent's mobile 'phone interrupted our conversation. Despite his well prepared alibi, he was not to have an uninterrupted break from family responsibilities. His wife was calling to ask him to go back early because one of his daughters was feverish and had to be taken to hospital. He could not expect her to look after a sick daughter and their son on her own. He had to go back. His usual optimistic outlook on life momentarily faltered. He had wanted so much for Lizetta and himself to enjoy a weekend away like any ordinary couple, and felt guilty about letting her down. 'How much more of this can Zetta be expected to stand? You won't let this spoil things for you and Darren as well, will you?'

'No, don't say that. It's been a good break for us. It has for you, you've only lost part of today, you've been with Lizetta for the best part of four days. You're disappointed, naturally.' We discussed whether she would want to return to London with him, but thought if she was willing it would be best for the three of us to stay on at the cottage for another night. When she and Darren joined us in the pub half an hour later, looking extremely cold, he did not mention the problem until after we had eaten. She was calm, betrayed no sign of jealousy, and said sincerely that she was sorry his little girl was ill and hoped she would be better soon.

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