Joey nodded. "OK ... I don't make much money yet, but ..."

David cut him off before he could finish. "Don't even worry about it."

"Thanks, David. This has just torn Mom and Dad apart. If Sara is dead, and I don't think she is, I think they would be able to handle it better if they just knew for sure. Then they could mourn and get on with their lives, you know what I mean."

Choked with emotion, David replied, "Of course I do. I love Sara, too."

"I know." replied Joey softly.

The two men embraced, and David walked Joey to the door. He watched the little blue car drive away until the sound of mewing made him look down. It was Cat, the same black cat David had almost run over. He had met Sara that day, and she had brought love back into his life again. Cat rubbed against his leg, purring loudly. He bent down and picked her up.

"You better come in now, Cat. It looks like they're right about snow tonight," he said as he looked up at the threatening sky. Copyright 2016 - 2024